Bring it home Daisy!

LWiellingaThis week Linda Wielinga has offered to share her reflections on the bible passages. Linda is from Port Perry, teaches art at Durham Christian High School, and is a participant in the Eastern Canada Leadership Development Network.

I Samuel 6
The Philistines soon realized that they were ill-equipped to handle the ark of the Lord God of Israel and that it needed to be sent home to Israel. I am sure after they did a poll of their people to search for volunteers to bring it back, you could hear a pin drop – no one wanted to come near the ark of the Lord. God demonstrated fear in the hearts of the people in regards to his holy presence. So the Philistines hook up two milch cows (along with some golden gifts as a guilt offering symbolizing the plagues that fell upon their people) and send the cows off pulling the ark of the Lord. It is amazing how God left this witness of himself on these people. Without a doubt, these Philistines knew the power of God. A few of the Philistines even followed the cows to see if indeed the presence of God in the ark would lead itself back to the nation of Israel. And back it did go, in fact the scriptures say in verse 12, “the cows took the straight way in the direction of Beth-shemesh; they went along the highway, lowing as they went, and did not turn aside to the right or to the left. And the lords of the Philistines followed them to the border of Beth-shemesh.”

God is a witness to the people – to his own people but also to his enemies.

We are to be a witness to all people. When people see us, and they do, will they see the power of God directing us and affirming that God is in control? We need to walk on the straight ways so that there is no dispute of God being in them.

“Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven” Matthew 5:16

Prayer: Lord, your word declares that you no longer abide in tabernacles made by hands but you abide now in hearts sealed by the redemption of your Son Jesus. May I allow you to guide my pathways so that all who see, will see you in me. Help me be open to the pathways you lead me into.

One Comment

  1. Remember? The Philistines knew about the power of the Lord. Remember what they said when the ark was brought in the Philistines presence? They remembered what the Lord God did to the Egyptians. However, they did not put 2 and 2 together, that their hardships were for the same reason. God was also speaking to them and they did not hear. They were too steeped in their sin and could no longer see.

    And yet God continues to speak to them, but . . . They ask the priest what to do and they did. They even followed the cart and saw the people of God leave their harvest and sacrifice to the Lord. But they remained at a distance and returned to their ways.

    And in their excitment, some of the Shemeshites were extreme in their joy and ‘forgot’ what the Word of the Lord said and they looked into the ark. God ‘spoke’ to His people then and there.

    The kings watched from afar. I am a living letter at all times read by all those around me – those I know and those I see and those I do not know and those I do not see. May the joy of the Lord God be my strength each day and others see Him at work in me by what I do and say. May I be a ‘wise man’ this day in my worhip, doing Your will as I continue my journey of joy in Your SonShine.

    Give me oil in my lamp
    Keep me burning
    Give me oil in my lamp I pray,
    Give me oil in my lamp.
    Keep me burning, burning, burning
    Keep me burning till the break of the day
    Sing Hosanna, sing Hosanna,
    Sing Hosanna to the King of Kings,
    Sing Hosanna, Sing Hosanna,
    Sing Hosanna to the King.
    …..Give me love in my heart, keep me serving
    …..Give me faith in my heart, keep me trusting

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