Cruelty cloaked in piety


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“To avoid ceremonial uncleanness they did not enter the palace.” (John 18:28)
Their religious scrupulousness is profound… as they prepare to execute Jesus.
How is it possible that we can be so pious, and yet so unloving or unfair?
To cloak oneself in religious jargon, and to cause harm and provoke violence.
I can think of a number of relevant instances where this still happens.
But it is easy to see it in others; am I guilty of this in my own way?
As I put myself in their shoes, can I relate to being scared or defensive?
Do I build walls of piety around me, yet harbour anger, bitterness or revenge?
“But we have no right to execute anyone…” (John 18:31)
If I had the power, would I use it against those that I am bothered by?
Following Jesus involves loving our enemies and those who mistreat us.
As a Jesus follower, I am committed to love, grace, mercy kindness, even to opponents.
I get the religious leaders, being defensive and provocative when threatened.
I sense the Spirit reminding me not to justify cruelty with religious conviction.
To not do un-Jesus things, and hide behind signs or words of religious justification.
Lord, help me not to cloak my personal agenda with religious jargon or piety. Help me not to dishonour you by using you to justify my self-interest.


  1. Dirty work in a dirty place. Entering the palace and trying to commute a death sentence on Jesus was ceremonially unclean! And they wanted to celebrate the Passover – their annual remembrance of being ‘passed over by the angel of death’. They wanted to celebrate that therefore did not want to make themselves dirty by entering a heathen palace and under their laws they would not be able to convict Jesus of death. What hypocrisy!! Often our neighbours see through our hypocrisy as Christians – we try to present a virtuous persona – but its dirty. Let’s be honest – we are dirty – sinful and need to be honest while striving to do what’s right in God’s sight and admitting it to others. Lord Jesus you suffered gross injustice – taking the sentence of death as a righteous person – for me!

  2. Trying to justify themselves/ ourselves by legal means/any means. I can read about how the religious leaders were legalistic in their reasoning to get their own way – to kill Jesus, do I see the same in me? Remember the splinter and the beam in the eye? Help me to serve You wholeheartedly Lord.

    Wholehearted thanksgiving to thee I will bring,
    in praise of thy marvelous deeds I will sing;
    in thee I will joy and exultingly cry,
    thy name I will praise, O Jehovah Most High.

    Praise the Lord, praise the Lord,
    let the earth hear his voice!
    Praise the Lord, praise the Lord,
    let the people rejoice!
    O come to Jehovah, declare ye his fame,
    and give him all honor, for just is his name.

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