Hot Potato

LWiellingaThis week Linda Wielinga has offered to share her reflections on the bible passages. Linda is from Port Perry, teaches art at Durham Christian High School, and is a participant in the Eastern Canada Leadership Development Network.

I Samuel 5
The Philistines take the ark of the Lord … they must have thought that this would be a good thing… until the plagues of tumours and mice ravaged their city. So they decide to bring it to the city of Gath … the ignorant people of Gath, say “sure!” … until they too are plagued with tumours and mice. So off goes the ark to the city of Ekron. By this time though the terror of the ark of the Lord God of Israel had gone ahead and the people were held in terror at the thought of it arriving in their city.

“There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death” Proverbs 14:12
We need to be ever so careful handling the things of God. The Philistines must have thought that the power behind the nation of Israel rested in the presence of God in the ark. What they lacked to understand (and so did most of the Israelites as well) is that the power of God lies in the bending of the heart to God’s presence, not just merely the presence of God within the ark. When the ark of the Lord was first brought to Ashdod, the Philistines brought it into their temple and placed it beside their god Dagon. They must have thought, “we’ll add it to the rest – it can only bring blessing!” What they failed to understand is that God does not share his rule with anyone/thing and if you do not follow the Lord then you are against the Lord.

What about us? Do we share our worship with God? Do we bring our worship of God and add it to the other things/people that we worship? God’s rule will not be divided. He demands our sole worship to him alone. If we are not with him, we are actually against him and his judgements will fall instead of blessings and power.

Prayer: Lord, I realize that I can so easily think of you as just another charm in my charm bracelet. But that is not what you require. You require that I worship you and you alone. Help me not have a divided heart. Help me worship you wholly and see the power of your blessings poured out.

One Comment

  1. The Philistines had seen the power of God in days past and so they wanted that God in addition to their other gods. With God on our side, we can do all things. We will be invincible, so they thought.

    However they soon learned that God is not controlled by man’s hands, wants or desires. God is the I am Who I am. He rules and we are unable to control Him for our welfare. And yet the Philistines saw His power at work and still rejected that power as the Guiding Light in their lives. Seeing, the people do not see.

    At this reformational remembering time of the year I am reminded of Soli Deo gloria: Glory to God alone. Because salvation is of God and has been accomplished by God, it is for God’s glory. How do I live today to give Him all the glory? Help me today, Lord, to live for You.

    All praise the Father throned above
    Who’s showered us with endless love.
    Our hope and strength in time of need
    Defender, and our Lord indeed.

    How vast His arms stretch open wide
    For us sinners; He came and died.
    He hides us in His mighty wings
    Protecting us from evil things.

    God’s glory in abundance flows.
    He shines His light so the world knows,
    That He’ll stand by us through our days,
    And loves despite our sinful ways.

    “Alleluia,” we praise His name
    All living things shall know His fame.
    “Alleluia,” our songs raise high
    Of our Savior who came to die.

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