To humbly boldly say “I am!”


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“You aren’t one of this man’s disciples too, are you??” “I am not.” (John 18:17)
Do you ever pay attention to what you say, and why you say it?
I can imagine why Peter said what he said… my guess is fear.
It is not that he was ashamed of Jesus, or half-hearted in his commitment.
And I can relate to this: fear of how people will hear and respond to what I say.
Normally Peter was pretty open about speaking his mind, but not this time.
Understandably, things were pretty tense in this moment, and Peter was struggling.
I guess what I am sensing from this passage is that I can relate to Peter.
Though in some settings I can be bold, in other settings I am cautious… fearful?
Sometimes those fears are real, usually they are imagined.
And Satan loves to stir up those fears, to keep us from standing with Jesus.
I take comfort in the fact that Jesus restores Peter after his denials.
Peter goes on to be a bold leader of the Jesus movement that continues.
Its not that I want to be loud and arrogant for Jesus, I just want to be honest.
I want to humbly, boldly say “I am” when asked, without letting fear silence me.
Lord, silence the fears that cloud my mind when I asked to speak for you. Help me to be both humble and bold and to trust you to use my words for good.


  1. ” Because this disciple was known to the high priest, he went with Jesus into the high priest’s courtyard,” I’m assuming John is talking about himself. He was known to the high priest – and was able to accompany the arrested Jesus into the courtyard, and later was able to let Peter in. Was ‘this disciple’ not as fearful because he was known – but Peter because he was not known was afraid to be exposed among those sitting around the campfire? Two different perspectives! John was known to be a disciple and yet seemed to be safe being exposed – but Peter did not feel safe to be exposed and denied that he was. What do I do when it comes to Jesus? Do I feel safe to say I am a believer? I know at times in my past I did not feel safe to be exposed for who I was as a believer or what I stood for! I regret that and am embarrassed by not standing up at that time – I’m like Peter – but I need to be like John. I pray for all those who are being persecuted because they are standing up like John – standing up to be true disciples of Jesus. Lord help me to stand up – to be more like you!

  2. Peter.
    Peter proclaim his love for the Lord.
    Peter drew his sword to protect his Lord.
    The happenings were certainly not the way the disciples thought things would happen. Standing strong in the opposition? Or standing afar off? Standing in among the crowd not wanting to be identified. Confident Peter lost his confidence. When we think we are strong . . . then we are weak. I need to depend upon the Lord and not in my own strength.

    I am weak but Thou art strong
    Jesus, keep me from all wrong
    I’ll be satisfied as long
    As I walk, dear Lord, close to Thee

    Just a closer walk with Thee
    Grant it, Jesus, if you please
    Daily walking close to Thee
    Let it be, dear Lord, let it be

    Thru this world of toils and snares
    If I falter, Lord, who cares?
    Who with me the burden shares?
    None but Thee, dear Lord, none but Thee

    When my feeble life is o’er
    Time for me will be no more
    On that bright eternal shore
    I will walk, dear Lord, close to Thee

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