God chooses a child

LWiellingaThis week Linda Wielinga has offered to share her reflections on the bible passages. Linda is from Port Perry, teaches art at Durham Christian High School, and is a participant in the Eastern Canada Leadership Development Network.

I Samuel 2
Eli’s sons are unfaithful and sinful in their responsibilities as priests. What seems worse is that Eli, their father is apathetic to God’s rebuke over their evil works.

“Why do you … honour your sons above Me?” vs. 29, says the Lord to Eli. Then in verse 35 God says to Eli, “ But I will raise up for Myself a faithful priest who will do according to what is in my heart and in my soul; and I will build him an enduring house, and he will walk before my anointed always” This is a recurring theme in scripture. God will raise up for himself a faithful priest.
Who would God raise up to take the place of these unfaithful priests?
Who does God look to when he surveys the nation of Israel?

Here in this situation, God looks to the child … God raises up a boy named Samuel, son of a faithful mother of prayer. This child was raised to judge the nation of Israel. Over 2000 years ago, unfaithful leaders continued to lead the nation of Israel and God raised up another child. This child though was Jesus – born to lead – not in judgement, but to become the object of judgement. A kingdom not lead by corruption or deceit but led by God in restorative justice.

As leaders in our culture, we need to be so careful that we are following God’s leading and not using our positions to fulfill our own desires. God will not tolerate it. God will rise up new leaders and new faithful ones to replace those that abuse their roles.

Prayer: Lord, help me to not walk down the road of satisfying my own desires in the positions I carry. Help me Lord to ever be willing to carry out your will. Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

One Comment

  1. And a little child shall lead them.

    Hannah received a son and gave God the glory and praise. She taught him how to walk and his life was to serve the Lord.

    Eli was God’s servant and knew the way to serve, but his sons abused their roles and because SelfSeekers instead of GodSeekers. Eli also knew of God’s way and should have kept His house pure.

    All of God’s people are given positions of influence because they are all part of His family – a royal priesthood. May we never be SelfSeekers but always GodSeekers – SonSeekers, living from day to day what God’s will is for our lives. We are not our own, but we have been bought with a price. Serve Him.

    My soul is a witness for my Lord
    My soul is a witness for my Lord
    My soul is a witness for my Lord
    My soul is a witness for my Lord

    You read in the Bible and you understand
    Metuselah was the oldest man
    He lived nine hundred and ninety nine
    He died and went to Heav’n, Lord, in a-due time

    Metuselah was a witness for my Lord
    Metuselah was a witness for my Lord
    Metuselah was a witness for my Lord
    Metuselah was a witness for my Lord

    You read in the Bible and you understand
    Samson was the strongest man
    Samson went out at-a one time
    And he killed about a thousand of the Philistine
    Delilah fooled Samson, this-a we know
    For the Holy Bible tells us so
    She saved off his head just as clean as your hand
    And his strength became the same as any natural man

    O, Samson was a witness for my Lord
    Samson was a witness for my Lord
    Samson was a witness for my Lord
    Samson was a witness for my Lord

    Daniel was a Hebrew child
    He went to pray his God a-while
    The king at once for Daniel did send
    And he put him right down in the lion’s den
    God sent His angels the lion-a for to keep
    And Daniel laid down and went to sleep

    Now, Daniel was a witness for my Lord
    Samson was a witness for my Lord
    Samson was a witness for my Lord
    Samson was a witness for my Lord

    O, who’ll be a witness for my Lord
    Who’ll be a witness for my Lord
    My soul is a witness for my Lord
    My soul is a witness for my Lord

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