His way or mine?


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways.” (Isaiah 55:8)
This verse is often quoted to explain the mystery of God’s ways.
But the context suggests that it explains the wrongness of our ways.
It follows a call for sinners to forsake their thoughts and ways (v.7).
It is not the mystery of God’s ways, but of our ways, that is in view here.
Our ways include selfishness, greed, lust, violence, deception, etc.
The fruit of our spirit is hate, sorrow, war, impatience, cruelty, and so on.
God is not like this, this is not the fruit of God’s Spirit.
As Jesus followers we have responded to God’s thoughts and ways, as seen in Jesus.
We love, admire, appreciate and desire to know and live the Jesus Way, the God Way.
Isaiah is calling people back to God and to God’s dream for this world.
Jesus calls us to the same kingdom dream, and makes it possible for us.
I need to evaluate my thoughts and ways (not other peoples, that’s too easy).
Does the way I am thinking and acting reflect how Jesus lived and loved?
Am I using Jesus to justify – or letting Jesus challenge – my thoughts and ways?
Lord, help me to see how my thoughts and ways are harmful, to you, others and myself. Help me to keep in step with your Spirit, to demonstrate the fruit of your Spirit.


  1. “for my house will be called a house of prayer for all nations.” God’s intent was that all people from all nations would be saved – Israel was to be a priest hood nation – a serving nation to all nations. As a Jesus follower I am also a priest – a servant to all nations – trying to bring people to ‘the house of prayer for all nations’. In the time of Isaiah, foreigners who bind themselves to the Lord by observing the sabbath and and other rules under the covenant that was given by Moses – God also accepted them. Now under Jesus the great high priest all are accepted who believe in Him. Lord help me to be open also to receive others like you do!

  2. Do what is right.
    This is only a possibility when I am in tune with the Lord’s ways. I need an open heart and open eyes to see and hear what the Lord requires of me. Then I am reminded of the following words of what the Lord God requires of me –
    ‘He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.
    And what does the Lord require of you?
    To act justly and to love mercy
    and to walk humbly[a] with your God.

    How shall my soul fulfil
    God’s law so hard and high?
    Let Christ endue our will
    with grace to fortify.
    Then justly, in mercy
    we’ll humbly walk with God.

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