Do something!!!

PLEASE READ THIS FIRST: Psalm 119:121-144

What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“Time for you to act, Lord; your law is being broken.” (Psalm 119:126)
As Jesus followers, we should feel the pain of so much sin and misery.
A world of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, etc. seems like an illusion.
God, this world is a mess, we need help, DO SOMETHING!
“Tears flow from my eyes, for your law is not obeyed.” (Psalm 119:136)
Tears are a start, but tears are not enough.
God put us in charge, we’re responsible for the heaven or hell of this world.
Thankfully God has DONE SOMETHING through Jesus, the perfect Adam.
Satan, sin and death have been overcome, the Spirit has been restored to us.
Now it is our duty and task, in Jesus’ Name, to restore God’s kingdom!
Tears should flow from our eyes as we observe greed, hate, inequity, misery.
But more than that, we ought to DO SOMETHING about it.
We cannot save the world, but we can affect our part in it.
In the Spirit of Jesus, we can show love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, etc.
God acts when we act, in and through us, to bring healing to the world!
Lord, you have done what I cannot (overcome sin, death and hell) so that I can do what I ought. Help me with your Spirit to DO SOMETHING for good, for God, for others!


  1. “Make your face shine on your servant and teach me your decrees.” I must be deliberate and make choices that are in keeping with God’s ways. I must desire to learn, then learn and then act in the of Jesus who is the best example – by listening to the leading of the HS in me – then I a will learn God’s decrees – his ways. Lord make you face shine of me – with your spirit – lead me and guide me along the way – especially in these challenging times!

  2. God’s word will safely lead. That word needs to direct my pilgrim’s progress. That word is light to my footsteps. That word gives me understanding and the desire to do what is right and true. Others need to see You in my words and deeds. Help me daily to live the fruit of the Spirit Who guides me in the Way. Jesus Saviour Pilot me also today.

    1 How shall the young direct their way?
    What light shall be their perfect guide?
    Your word, O Lord, will safely lead
    if in its wisdom they confide.
    Sincerely I have sought you, LORD,
    O let me not from you depart;
    to know your will and keep from sin
    your word I cherish in my heart.

    2 O blessed LORD, teach me your law,
    your righteous judgments I declare;
    your testimonies make me glad,
    for they are wealth beyond compare.
    Upon your precepts and your ways
    my heart will meditate with awe;
    your word shall be my chief delight,
    and I will not forget your law.

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