PLEASE READ THIS FIRST: Ecclesiastes 7-8
What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?
“Whoever fears God will avoid all extremes.” (Ecclesiastes 7:18)
I found this section challenging and troubling, a mix of wise and bizarre thoughts.
This phrase about avoiding extremes really stood out to me though.
Our world is a complicated mess of wisdom and folly, and it is dividing us all.
Look at the polarization in our world today – it is not making things better.
Left vs right, conservative vs liberal, vax vs anti-vax, extremists in both directions.
In our own thinking, we also tend to polarize between us and them.
We pull away from those who are wrong, and end up being wrong in opposite ways.
What I am learning from the Teacher here is to take a ‘chill pill’.
Stop turning everything into a battle of good/right (my side) vs evil/wrong (others).
“There is no one on earth who does what is right and never sins.” (7:20).
Stop thinking that I have figured things out, that I know better.
“Even if the wise claim they know, they cannot really comprehend it.” (8:17)
Wisdom is not being right, but being humble enough to admit we all have our extremes.
Jesus calls us all to repent (to change the way we think), and humbly seek his grace.
Lord, show me the folly of my own extremes. Humble me that I may gain a heart and live a life of wisdom.
Reading this passage is frustrating – all this striving and seeking for knowledge and contentment and understanding becomes so futile – the conclusion: “then I saw all that God has done. No one can comprehend what goes on under the sun. Despite all their efforts to search it out, no one can discover its meaning. Even if the wise claim they know, they cannot really comprehend it” – states it bluntly. When I contemplate eternity – I can’t get ‘beginning and end thinking’ out of my mind – I realize that in the ‘human earthly sphere’ – we will always be frustrated – our thinking has limits – time/space/material limits. However, when I let go and let God – and trust that He knows – I can find contentment and comfort under God’s infinite wisdom and grace – then I no longer see it something that I achieve but that I find when I rest in God’s grace.
‘man has nothing better under the sun but to eat and drink and be joyful’
and this is a possibility when I see that God is in charge and not I. I do not know God’s ways but I do know that the joy of the Lord God is my strength and in that power I am able to enjoy my kingdom work. This is a gift from God.
Change my heart oh God
Make it ever true
May I be like You
You are the potter
I am the clay
Mould me and make me
This is what I pray
Master Let your will be done
I am Just a piece of Clay and You are the Potter