do not give up

Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up… And will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night? Will he keep putting them off? [Luke 18:1,7] Pray, and not give up. ‘Lord, I want a Porsche. Make it a red one. I’ll keep asking until you say yes’. Yes, we should pray without ceasing, but what should we be praying for? If we just read the opening verse, we may miss what Jesus is talking about – its not just presenting our wish-list to God, its pleading for justice, healing, legitimate needs, protection. These are kingdom prayers, asking God to restore things as they ought to be.

In this chapter, this kingdom focus is repeated – justice for the oppressed, blessing for the children, generosity for the poor, and mercy and healing for the blind. And when Jesus describes His suffering and resurrection in Jerusalem, He speaks of His ultimate victory over sin, death and hell. Seen together, this teaching on prayer is not a technique on how to get what we want from God, it’s about a hunger and thirst for righteousness, seeking after His kingdom and His righteousness more than anything else [Both Matthew 5:6 and Matthew 6:33 use the word ‘righteousness’, the same word for ‘justice’; this woman is hungering and thirsting for justice!]. And not just for ourselves – for all! Are we passionately concerned for justice for the poor, not just for getting into heaven [the rich man’s concern].

Too often God’s followers get in the way. The disciples rebuke the parents for interrupting Jesus with their children; the crowd rebukes the blind man for calling out to Jesus. Imagine God’s frustration when His chosen partners fail to understand God’s purpose, and theirs, and end up hindering it instead. Jesus makes it clear that we are all on the same level, all of us whether religious (the Pharisee) or sinful (the tax collector). We all need God’s mercy. There ought to be no separation between Jesus’ followers and everyone else – for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these!

How concerned are we for the needs and struggles of our neighbours? How seriously do we pray for justice, for mercy, for healing, for help for them? How serious would you pray if they were you, or your children? We are to be devoted to what is right and good, and not give up. We are to devote our resources and wealth to bless others – that is why it was entrusted to us.

Do we care? Does it show? Will we pray, and not give up?

Lord, give me a passion for justice and blessing, and help me to persevere in seeking this for all!

One Comment

  1. Open my eyes Lord that I may truly see You!

    I must be a prayer walker each and every day walking with God in all I do and say. I must need to be persistent in my prayers as the widow was in hers. Lord, teach me how to pray.

    All depends on my relationship with my God. I must serve Him. My eyes must be on Jesus and not on others – we all need God’s grace. My service to Him may not be hindered by what my eyes see. My relationship is with the Lord and He tells me how to live. All for Jesus. Christ first. Others second. Then me.

    Help me from day to day to live for you as summarized in Micah – And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.

    May I each day not only be a prayer walker but also a prayer warrior – Lord, teach me how to pray.

    All for Jesus, all for Jesus!
    All my being’s ransomed powers:
    All my thoughts and words and doings,
    All my days and all my hours.

    All for Jesus! All for Jesus!
    All my days and all my hours;
    All for Jesus! All for Jesus!
    All my days and all my hours.

    Let my hands perform His bidding,
    Let my feet run in His ways;
    Let my eyes see Jesus only,
    Let my lips speak forth His praise.


    Worldlings prize their gems of beauty,
    Cling to gilded toys of dust,
    Boast of wealth and fame and pleasure;
    Only Jesus will I trust.


    Since my eyes were fixed on Jesus,
    I’ve lost sight of all beside;
    So enchained my spirit’s vision,
    Looking at the Crucified.


    Oh, what wonder! how amazing!
    Jesus, glorious King of kings,
    Deigns to call me His belovèd,
    Lets me rest beneath His wings.


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