Upheaval in the church


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“The time will come when not one stone will be left on another.” (Luke 21:6)
For the Jews the temple was the heart of their identity, or so they thought.
They could not imagine that God would allow the temple to be destroyed.
But Jesus knows what the temple represents, as well as what it had become.
It had become an idol; the Jews were more focused on it than on God’s kingdom.
This makes me think of the church as many christians think of it today.
This is how I was formed to think, to focus on building the church.
Yet looking at all my efforts over the last 30 years, what remains?
In some ways, not one stone that I laid is not left on another.
Any lasting impact that I had – and that matters – was on the people.
Jesus warned us about focusing on the things that moth and rust can destroy.
Our churches as we know them will not last forever.
Many will close, most will change (and those that don’t will likely die).
But upheaval in the church is not the end of the kingdom; Jesus is building his church!
His church is the people, and this is what matters, and what will have lasting impact!
Lord, the church as I know it will remain uncertain, but your kingdom community will grow and spread until your return. Help me to focus on the church as you know it, not as I know it!


  1. Sometimes the idols have to come down! Sometimes we can spend too much money on church building and administration and forget that it’s all about relationships and community. Yes, a building serves a purpose – allows us to get together for worship – and yes I can appreciate a beautiful building – but the glory has to be for the Lord – not mankind. The beauty and the artifacts – like the ‘toys’ of this age must detract us from our relationship from God and each other. What are the material elements in my life that detract me? We like our nice homes and cars and other things – do they prevent us from ‘all-in’ service to the Lord. I find at times I am held back. I own that. Help me keep the right perspective on things – I may have today – but tomorrow it might be burned up.

  2. The church
    is but a building we enter to worship.
    The church is really the people and all who enter through the door of Jesus Christ will be saved. During times like these, churches open or closed, disasters all around us, fires raging, tumults in many countries, etc we can not be controlled by fear or terrified for God is in control. He reigns for these things must come to pass as the time of His coming again nears. God does abide with the church – His people and will continue to lead and guide them.

    I am the church! You are the church!
    We are the church together!
    All who follow Jesus,
    all around the world!
    Yes, we’re the church together!

    1. The church is not a building;
    the church is not a steeple;
    the church is not a resting place;
    the church is a people.


    2. We’re many kinds of people,
    with many kinds of faces,
    all colours and all ages, too
    from all times and places.


    3. Sometimes the church is marching;
    sometimes it’s bravely burning,
    sometimes it’s riding, sometimes hiding;
    always it’s learning.


    4. And when the people gather,
    there’s singing and there’s praying;
    there’s laughing and there’s crying sometimes,
    all of it saying:


    5. At Pentecost some people
    received the Holy Spirit
    and told the Good News through the world
    to all who would hear it.

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