hope… that makes a difference

hopeBe still before the LORD and wait patiently for him; do not fret when men succeed in their ways, when they carry out their wicked schemes. [Psalm 37:7]
Sometimes the world can be so discouraging. If I allow my mind to dwell on how much suffering is going on all over the world – some of it beyond our control (like tsunamis, earthquakes, tropical storms, severe flooding) but much of it because of our control (like pollution, war, abuse, poverty, injustice, cruelty, etc.) -it can really get me down.
At those times it makes me think, ‘what difference can I make, can we make?’
In Psalm 37 David is reminding himself that no matter how bad things may get, no matter how successful sin and evil may be, God is STILL in control.
Don’t panic, don’t react out of fear, “be still before the Lord and wait patiently for Him”.
In His time, in His wisdom, He knows what He is doing, and it will come out right in the end.
We are caught up in the immediate, in the chaos of the moment where nothing seems to make sense. But He is positioned above it all, and He sees the end of all things, He knows where it is all going and why the immediate is necessary to accomplish the ultimate.

I suppose you can reject this, and submit to the chaos, and wait it out. But this won’t make the chaos or injustice any easier. All it does is make it pointless. If there is no God, then everything is meaningless. And if God is not good, then everything is doomed. But if there is a God, a good God, Who knows what He is doing, then trusting Him is the best, most hopeful way to go.
It also gives us reason to push on making a difference. Why try to improve the world if there is no God? Its all random, chaos, ‘sucks for you’. Its survival of the fittest, so get out of my way.
But if there is a God, and He is working to re-establish the good, and is re-making this world into His paradise, then I can Trust in the LORD and do good [Psalm 37:3] and He will make righteousness shine like the dawn, the justice of your cause like the noonday sun. [Psalm 37:6]

So why do I commit myself to promoting peace, healing, justice, forgiveness, love, compassion, generosity, etc.? why do I promote following Jesus, and helping church become outward-focused? Because that is what God is doing, and I choose to side with Him!

One Comment

  1. Homework Assignment

    My Psalm

    Have pity on me Lord, have mercy on me.
    Lord I am so confused.
    Lord I dont understand.
    I have tried to always do your will.
    I have always loved you.
    Yet it seems like my world is falling apart.
    Everywhere I look it seems like everyone else is doing so well.
    It just seems so easy for everyone else.
    I feel like such a screw up.
    I feel like everyone thinks Im an idiot.
    But I know you dont think that Lord.
    I know you love me and love my children.
    I know you think I am wise just like I think my children are the smartest.
    You dont see me the way the world sees me.
    You look at my heart and you know me.
    I have hope in you Lord.
    Because of you I dont worry.
    Because of you I can sleep at night.
    Because of you I sing.
    I sing for you Lord.
    I was born to sing for you.
    I love to sing and dance for you Lord.
    I love to go outdoors and enjoy your beautiful creation and feel your presence.
    I love you Lord and you make me feel special.
    Because of you I have hope.
    I trust you Lord.
    You are my strength and what keeps me going.
    You give me so much Lord.
    You are everything to me Lord.
    I want to give you my best.
    I will hold on to you Lord.
    Because I know you love me.
    You give me little gifts
    Just when I need it.
    You know what I need and
    You know how to cheer me up and bless me.
    Lord help me to be a blessing to others.
    I love you Lord.
    Ever since I was little you have been my best friend
    And you have never let me down.
    I love you Lord.
    You are everything to me.
    I praise you Lord and give you all the glory.
    You are my King yet you put a crown on my head.
    Oh how I love you.
    I love you my King, my Father, my Friend.

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