meekness, not weakness

But the meek will inherit the land and enjoy great peace. [Psalm 37:11] David is reflecting on the fact that the enemies of God seem to prosper for a season, while the meek (not weak, but those who quietly trust in the Lord [Psalm 37:7] and do what He delights [Psalm 37:3-4] will one day inherit the land. This idea of inheriting the land comes up 5x [Psalm 37:9,11,22,29,34]. To have land is to be established, successful, prosperous – then and now.

Who are successful today? Those having wealth, or land, or assets. But how do they attain this? Often it is the most aggressive, the business savvy, those willing to compromise their integrity to get ahead. Many (most) become successful today by unholy means (there are exceptions). Contrast this to Jesus words, which echo David’s: Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. [Matthew 5:5] What kind of business philosophy is this?

In this world, messed up by sin, survival of the fittest is the norm. Most of the time this involves whatever it takes to get ahead. Generosity, compassion, meekness, humility, integrity, honesty, contentment – these are not the primary qualities of a successful business person. Yet these are the qualities that Jesus focuses on. These are the one’s the Lord delights in, and He gives them the delights of their hearts.

But what are the delights of their hearts? They do not use these qualities as techniques to attain worldly success. For them, success is seeing others blessed, helped. Success is living on what they need, so that they can share the rest with those in need. Success is not a reputation in the world, but a reputation with God. Those who delight in these things, will attain them. They may not advance as fast and far as those who follow other ways, but in the end they will remain standing. They will inherit the eternal kingdom!

Do I value the things Jesus values? Am I eager to succeed God’s way? Do I trust that the qualities of meekness (not weakness, but confidence properly placed, quiet strength) may not appear strong, but will succeed in the end? Am I working for a piece of worldly real estate (using worldly means), or for a piece of eternal real estate (using eternal means)?

Lord, I want to be eternally successful now, having a good reputation with You, living with integrity, generosity and meekness.

One Comment

  1. The Lord, the Lord is my fortress and I take refuge in Him. Him I need to trust with all my heart. In Him I patiently wait for all things will be accomplished in His timing. No matter what happens in the world around me I must remain steadfast and secure in Him. He is the anchor of my life and He will secure my walking – so that I will not fall since He upholds me in His hand. Wait for the Lord and keep His Way. Though the wicked may prosper and flourish, they that wait upon the Lord will be renewed in Him and so will their children and their future is bright and clear. He is their Helper and Deliverer today and always.

    Today I need to go forth in that power.

    Those who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength
    Those who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength

    They will mount up with wings like eagles
    mount up with wings like eagles
    mount up with wings like eagles
    They shall renew their strength

    2 … they will run and not get tired…

    3 … they will walk and not become weary…

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