
They do not speak peaceably, but devise false accusations against those who live quietly in the land. [Psalm 35:20] David has been betrayed, and he is deeply hurt. This psalm expresses that hurt, and his desire for his betrayers to hurt like him. David describes how he had cared for these people [Psalm 35:13-14], which makes the betrayal that much more painful. How can they turn on him like this? David wants them to experience the suffering they’ve inflicted on him. This is not the same spirit as Jesus [Luke 23:34], but it is understandable. David is being honest; only Jesus could respond with this kind of mercy. Only with God’s Spirit can we do it too.

While he was still speaking a crowd came up, and the man who was called Judas, one of the Twelve, was leading them. He approached Jesus to kiss him, but Jesus asked him, “Judas, are you betraying the Son of Man with a kiss?” [Luke 22:47-48] Jesus, the Son of David, experiences the same betrayal – betrayed by one He loved, betrayed with a kiss. Though He is able to forgive him, this betrayal still hurt, deeply. This gives us an insight to how God feels about our sin. He loves us, and He hurts deeply because of our betrayal [Genesis 6:6].

Thankfully God does show mercy, and does not settle for revenge. We may wish for revenge, like David, but if God metes out revenge, not mercy, then we too will be punished. Yes, the pain of when other’s betray us is deep, but let this reveal how our betrayal of God affects Him. Let it remind us that we all need mercy.

One more thing. We should not be surprised if, while striving to bless people and do good as Jesus-followers, we too may face the pain of betrayal. I know people who devoted themselves to doing good, then were falsely accused and suffered for it. If it happened to Jesus, we can expect it to happen to us too [Matthew 10:25]. This is all a part of carrying the cross, of suffering for the cause, of helping those lost in sin. Jesus urges us not to give up doing good when we suffer for it – He urges us to trust Him, follow Him, and love like He did. In the end we will be vindicated, and God will reveal His mercy.

Lord, I pray for those right now who are experiencing this betrayal. May they experience Your mercy, and may they express it as well.

One Comment

  1. Jehovah is my Light and Salvation near. Whom shall I fear? I need to hear the voice of the One saying to me, Christian, follow me. In the good times and in the bad times my song must ever be, God, there is no one like You. I am in Your hand.

    Living the Christian life causes one to say at times, see if I ever do that again – in the sense of helping others. Serving others costs and the blessing is from serving God and not man. And God continues to bless and protect and encourage His own. He does work for good all what happens so that I can say Blessed be the name of the Lord, my God. Help me to see Your hand in all things, working Your will.

    Jehovah is my Light,
    And my Salvation near;
    Who shall my soul affright,
    Or cause my heart to fear?
    While God my strength, my life sustains,
    Secure from fear my soul remains.

    When evildoers came
    To make my life their prey,
    They stumbled in their shame
    And fell in sore dismay;
    Though hosts make war on every side,
    Still fearless I in God confide.

    My one request has been,
    And still this prayer I raise,
    That I may dwell within
    God’s house through all my days,
    Jehovah’s beauty to admire,
    And in His temple to inquire.

    When troubles round me swell,
    When fears and dangers throng,
    Securely I will dwell
    In His pavilion strong;
    Within the covert of His tent
    He hides me still the storm is spent.

    Uplifted on a rock
    Above my foes around,
    Amid the battle shock
    My song shall still resound;
    Then joyful offerings I will bring
    Jehovah’s praise my heart shall sing.

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