SCRIPTURE: Luke 8:16-21
Jesus does not ‘measure’ people by their religion but by their simple faith, humility and love. Those with open and honest hearts will shine like lights before others, they will be a breathe of fresh air. Open and honest hearts will hear what the Lord has to say, apply it personally, and then change the way they live accordingly. These are the kind of people that Jesus recognizes as His family, those who hear the message and obey it. It may seem harsh that Jesus speaks this way of His own family, but keep in mind He sees the big picture, and He knows what our deepest sickness and need are. If even His own mother closes her heart to God, she will lose her place in God’s family. This is not mean, its just reality! Jesus’ message about open, honest hearts is not just one religious option among many, it is the best and only way to live. It is the way the world ought to be. If everyone was like this, the world would be a better place. This is how things work in the family of God.
Is my life a breathe of fresh air to people who do not follow Jesus? Do I stand out like a light in a dark place? Maybe my heart is not open, honest, teachable. Or if it is, maybe I have much further to go/grow than I realize. I want to gain more understanding, but am I willing to be disciplined and serious, to pay careful attention to the message of Jesus? I can sense there are ways that I am distracted, that I am not listening.
Lord, light the fire in my heart and mind that I do genuinely and seriously seek the truth and life of Your message, and with Your help strive to live it more. I know I am forgiven and accepted by grace alone, but I want to overflow with love and gratitude for all that You have done for me. Amen.
The Light of the world is Jesus. He has given me that Light and I must shine that Light all around me. How do others see me? Do they see the Light of Christ in the words I speak and the actions I do? I must listen carefully to His Word, and live each day out of that Word. That Word needs to be my daily bread – to feed me, to strengthen me, to sustain me, to nurture me. Lord, help me by Your Spirit to hear Your Word and do Your Word. This is the task of all Your children. If we but shine for You we will be part of Your family, kids of the Kingdom. Help me this day to be Christian, on my journey of joy following You in my living for Jesus.
As we gaze on your kindly brightness.
So our faces display your likeness.
Ever changing from glory to glory,
Mirrored here may our lives tell your story.
Shine on me. shine on me.