SCRIPTURE: Jeremiah 12:1-17
1. “Why does the way of the wicked prosper? Why do all the faithless live at ease?” – A question that many of us ask…
2. “You are always on their lips but far from their hearts… yet you know me, O LORD” – Jeremiah is comparing his own heart to the hearts of others, who are very religious, but whose religion is empty. Words without depth or reality.
4. “Drag them off like sheep to be butchered!” – At least he’s honest…. Maybe if we understood how evil and corrupt and cruel the people were, we would say the same thing.
5. “I will give the one I love into the hands of her enemies” – Can we appreciate the conflict within these words, a love that allows the loved one to suffer?
6. “The whole land will be laid waste because there is no one who cares” – Is this not also what is happening to the environment?
7. “As for all my wicked neighbors who seize the inheritance I gave my people Israel, I will uproot them from their lands” – Just because God uses the surrounding nations to punish Israel, does not mean that they are off the hook. God allows them to succeed for a time, but they too will pay for their cruelty and corruption. The way of the wicked will not always prosper, they too will have their day in court.
8. “After I uproot them, I will again have compassion and will bring each of them back” – God’s mercy shines through, even during His discipline. There is always hope with God.
9. “But if any nation does not listen, I will completely uproot and destroy it” – God does not have a double standard. What applies to Israel applies to all the nations. And it applies to me too. If I do not listen, I to will be uprooted, as the natural consequence of my rejection of God and His way.
Lord, show me when my words are empty. Help me to care, to listen, to obey, knowing that Your way is always the best way. And when I fail, as I will, remind me that Your mercy is always around the corner… Amen.
When reading these verses what comes to my heart is how much I/we are like Jeremiah – asking the same questions he asked. I am challeged to wonder how God would like to respond to us (individually and as a body of believers)? Is life; is church today full of empty ‘religion’ – faith talk without actions? Are we in danger of being uprooted and destroyed? I am thankful that I know Jesus my Saviour and LORD. I am thankful for the power of the Holy Spirit who is at work constantly to transform my heart- He will not leave me as I am. I am thankful for such passages to gently convict me encouraging me to walk in His ways. LORD, I give You my heart, my life, my all….. Your will be done!
Our ways are not God’s Ways but all too often we question the ways of the Lord. Why do the wicked prosper, while His people suffer? It’s not fair. But God knows the hearts of His people. His people should cry for the wickedness in the land and not for their own trials. Help me today Lord in my walk with You, praying for this land, that the peoles might serve You as their One and only God. Make me a prayer walker every day.
As stated in the reading, even today there are shepherds misleading the people and ruining God’s creation. No one will care. No one will be safe. This is alll part of the Lord’s judgement upon the world because they have left His ways. His discipline is to have His people return to Him and live with Him always. He who has ears must hear what the Lord our God is telling the peoples – therefor also me – Live and do this to have life everlasting. Walk in My Ways and walk with Me because I will destoy all evil says my God.
Help me this day to walk with You Lord.
I am weak, but Thou art strong;
Jesus, keep me from all wrong;
I’ll be satisfied as long
As I walk, let me walk close to Thee.
Just a closer walk with Thee,
Grant it, Jesus, is my plea,
Daily walking close to Thee,
Let it be, dear Lord, let it be.