SCRIPTURE: Luke 3:21-38
1. “Jesus was baptized too” (21). This was a baptism of repentance, a sign of humility and submission to God. Though Jesus was sinless, like us He needed to humbly submit to God in all things.
2. “As he was praying, heaven was opened” (21). I’ve not noticed this detail before, but as I think of our own mode of baptism, we do not have a time where the baptizee prays, they are usually prayed for, or with. I am trying to imagine what this moment looked like. Was He ‘dipped’ or ‘dunked’, followed by a time of verbal or silent prayer, submitting to God and being receptive before Him? This verse shows that those being baptized are not just passive but active recipients.
3. “Holy Spirit descended on him in bodily form like a dove… a voice came from heaven” (22). The invisible, infinite God reveals Himself through visible, sensible means, the form of a dove and the sound of a voice. We need to remember that God is not finite, visible, physical, but is of a different (eternal, uncreated) essence altogether. Our danger is that we limit God to the forms and metaphors He uses to reveal Himself.
5. “You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased” (22). This relates to the affirmation given in Psalm 2 to David, where the anointed King is confirmed as God’s appointed leader. The warning of Psalm 2 is implied here, that is, “listen to Him or else”.
6. “The son of Adam, the son of God” (38). Compare with Matthew’s geneology, who traces Jesus’ family line back to Abraham (the covenant father of Israel). It is thought that the differences between the two versions is because Luke traces Jesus’ line through Joseph (the normal Jewish way) while Matthew traces Jesus’ line through Mary, His actual blood line (unusual, but in keeping with the virgin birth). Luke (a non-Jew) is demonstrating then universal appeal and connection of Jesus to all people!
7. Though geneologies are not normally interesting, the message this section reveals is the uniqueness and importance of Jesus as God’s chosen (anointed, appointed) human ruler of the Universe. As Psalm 2 suggests, I ignore Him to my own peril.
Lord, Your appearance and Your significance seem to far removed from me today, and therefore irrelevant to my daily concerns. And yet this is far from true, for my whole existence and hope rests in Who You are. Help me to realize even more how essential You are to me, and to everyone! Amen.
This passage shows us the meeting of John and Jesus and Jesus being baptized. God’s Spirit came upon Him and His voice also proclaimed that Christ was His Son. If God had human characteristics, He was proud of His Son Whom He loved. He was well pleased with Jesus Who had come to take away the sins of the world. He self-sacrificed so that mankind could have life. At this time we are also shown His lineage. once again reaffirming that He was the Son of God. He was doing His Father’s will. Help me also on this day Lord to do Your will.
Our Father
Which art in heaven
Hallowed be thy name
Thy kingdom come
Thy will be done on earth
As it is in heaven
Give us this day our daily bread
And forgive us our trespasses
As we forgive those who trespass against us
And lead us not into temptation
But deliver us from evil
For thine is the kingdom
And the power
And the glory, forever,
Our Father,
Which art in Heaven.