SCRIPTURE: Proverbs 7:1-27
1. “Guard my teachings as the apple of your eye” (7:2). That is, your eyeball, which is very weak and needs protection.
2. “A youth who lacked judgment… walking along in the direction of her house” (7:7-8). A wise person is aware of their potential weaknesses, and avoids those paths that will lead them close to temptation. How many of us try to get as close to sin without crossing the line, as if we have the ability to stop whenever we want?
3. “Now in the street, now in the squares, at every corner she lurks” (7:12). Here the prostitute represents all sexual sin, or all sin for that matter. Wherever we turn, wherever we look, we are bombarded with images and enticements, subtle and not so subtle. This is why we are often called to be alert, on guard! Yet how many of us enter the day unarmed, unprepared, and oblivious to the enemy who is lurking all around us, slowly eating away at our slight defenses, then going in for the kill?
4. “With persuasive words she led him astray” (7:21). The enticements to sin are very compelling, especially when coupled with the pleasure associated with those thoughts. Our feelings and desires weaken our resolve and draw us in. The conversation in our head, or the feelings that keep us from thinking things through, lure us in. We can jusify anything when the heart desires it. We are easily persuaded.
5. “Like an ox going to the slaughter” (7:22). The ox is totally oblivious, clueless. Not a complimentary picture. But a realistic one. How many people at the end of their lives, as they look back, realize too late that they were like that ox… oblivious and clueless to the consequences of their choices.
6. A highway to the grave, leading down to the chambers of death” (7:27). More compelling imagery. The highway of death, a wide and easy path to destruction. The chambers of love are described as the chambers of death.
Lord, give me this kind of urgency, to see that I am under attack and that if I am not careful, I will be sucked in. Amen.
Once again we are reminded that we need to have the Word of the Lord written upon the tablets of our hearts. Our heart is our heart beat – our life force – since from the heart flow all the issues of life. As the heart flows, so flows our lives. Only in Christ Who is our All in all come wisdom and understanding. In Him and Him alone can we stay on the narrow path doing what He desires us to do – to live for Jesus! I must devote myself to Him and devour His Word as I walk in His Light. That will keep me free from walking the edge. I must have my eyes focussed on Him and not the worldly things around me. Lord, help me to see You each day. Today I have placed you first. May others also see that in me.
As the deer pants for the water
So my soul longs after You
You alone are my heart’s desire
And I long to worship You
You alone are my strength, my shield
To You alone may my spirit yield
You alone are my heart’s desire
And I long to worship You