SCRIPTURE: Proverbs 5:1-23
1. “The adultress” symbolizes all sexual sin. This is not just the problem of immoral women, in fact many who have turned to prostitution have done so because they could not otherwise survive in a male-dominated world, and because men were perversely asking for this kind of pleasure.
2. “Drip honey… bitter as gall”. Sexual sin is like this, it looks and feels so good beforehand, but afterward leaves a bitter taste. It never satisfies, and many who have looked for pleasure or meaning through sexual encounters end up moving beyond, to more perverse behaviours, more destructive, leaving a trail of victims in their wake.
3. “Lest you give the best of your strength to others”. Sexual sin actually drains us, keeps us from experiencing all that God has in mind for us. People lose what they have for things they cannot keep. “At the end of your life”. Only in hindsight do many realize how they ruined their life, and the lives of others. Huge regrets!
4. “Drink water from your own cistern”, an analogy that means, look to your own spouse for pleasure and meaning. Appreciate what you have, don’t buy into the lie of greener pastures elsewhere. You will be disappointed!
5. “A man’s ways are in full view of the Lord”. God sees our actions, but also our thought-life. He sees everything, but not to judge us, but because he loves us, is concerned for us. He is constantly warning us, trying to get us to see, using our circumstances to help us come to our senses. There is no hiding sexual sin, it will be exposed one day. Yet so many people are living a double-life, thinking that their sins are secret!
6. “Cords of sin hold him fast”. Sexual addiction is a bondage, and many people (many men, in my experience) are secretly ensnared, living the double life, hating yet continuing this unhealthy, harmful and sinful lifestyle. We are fools to think that we, or our children, or our friends, are immune. People you know are sexually addicted!
Lord, of all Satan’s tools, sexual sin is one of his most effective. There are so many victims and slaves of sexual sin. Weare confronted by sexually explicit images, or clothing styles EVERYWHERE. Many are being lured in to their destruction. Help me, help us all, to take this seriously, and to resist the devil’s lies! Amen.
This Proverb is very revealing of the dangers of this world – temptation is all around us and not just for men but also for women. Satan has decieved us, convinced us that our clothing is harmless and powerless – WRONG! Pornography and sexual abuse is rising and many christians contribute to the feeding of sexual immorality by the clothing or lack of clothing that we wear (low rise pants, skimpy skirts, revealing tops. ) So many dress that way to attend church not thinking of the many amongst us who struggle greatly with pornography and sexual addictions. It is NOT harmless. In this proverb God calls it exactly as it is IMMORAL. We have allowed satan to desensitize us. God provides us with wisdom and discernment all we have to do is be disciplined to ask for it. Use this proverb as a daily prayer and our lives will change. Who do I spend time with – do I surround myself with Christ followers committed to Godly living and holding me accountable? What am I reading? What am I listening to? – is it filling my head and heart with worldly ideals and lifestyles, unknowingly bit by bit drawing me into the world? What am I watching with my eyes -impurity? All of these things lead us away from a life centred in Christ? The more we expose ourselves to it, the less we are offended……. God protect us. Open our eyes, our hearts and our minds to see what satan is doing all around us. Reveal all that is not of You in our daily lives and help us to change. May we choose life!
He who has ears to hear, let him hear so that he may have life. Yet in growing up we deem it necessary to find out for ourselves rather than listening to our father.
I must not live my life close to the edge, seeing the temptations of the world. I must remain faithful and listen to my Father. Lead me not into temptation, but deliver me from evil. As Adam and Eve were enticed by not listening to God’s Word, I must make sure that I obey my Teacher, my Instructor for LIFE. Help me Lord to focus always on You so that I will never be blinded by my own folly or wicked ways. Lead me guard me and guide me in Your Way so that I may never stray. In You I have life. Without You, I am dead forever.
Help me this day to LIVE.
Help me tread in the paths of righteousness.
Be my aid when Satan and sin oppress.
I am putting all my trust in Thee:
Lead me, oh Lord lead me.
Lead me, guide me along the way,
For if you lead me I cannot stray.
Lord let me walk each day with Thee.
Lead me, oh Lord lead me.