Mar 6 — 1 John 2:28-3:3

SCRIPTURE: 1 John 2:28-3:3

John is urging us to hang on, to persevere in faith and following Jesus, becoming like Him. Those who claim to follow Jesus will strive to be like Him, and one day will like He is. This goal is what drives us to imitate Jesus now, today, in the daily details of our lives. We can discern between those who are and who are not Christ-followers, by how they strive to be like Jesus. Everyone who strives to love like Jesus did (“who does what is right”) is showing that they have been reborn in Him, that His Spirit lives in them. Even if the world does not recognize us, we recognize each other, and Jesus recognizes us. This is not a pride thing, it is actually a humility thing, an acknowledgement that we are NOT the way we are supposed to be, and a commitment to more and more love and live like Jesus. It is an amazing thing that God calls us His children, considering how messed up we are. But he is committed to changing and renewing us, making us as Jesus is, as we were made and saved to be.

So do I pass this test? How seriously and sincerely do I strive to be like Jesus, to live and to love like Him? If I pay attention, the Spirit will show me ways that I am not measuring up… not to condemn me but to convict and change me, and inspire me to change. If I pay attention. How much do I want to be like Jesus? How much do I hate the bad stuff in my life? It is only those who have this hope (i.e. of being like Jesus) that make every effort to purify themselves, get rid of the un-Jesus-like stuff.

Lord, again I pray, make me serious and sincere in my desire and effort to be like You. Show me the specific things in my life today that are not like You, and help me to change. Amen.


  1. 1 John 1:1 to 1John 2: 27

    Observations: Anyone who claims to be a believer and keeps on sinning is not a child of the light. Its impossible to be a child of God and live in disobedience. The antithesis is clear between those who love the world and its pleasures..the lust of the eyes and the cravings of the sinful man and those who have been anointed and know the truth and seek to do what is right and purifies himself for the day when he will see the Lord face to face.

    Love of the Father….love of the world
    Love your brother….hate your brother.

    The list goes on.The contrast shows there is no middle ground.

    Application & prayers: I know that the Truth will…no actually HAS set me free but yet I often deceive myself that I am not a child of God because I don’t always live like one. John gives no room for error. I must love my brother and do what is right or I’m a child of the devil. I know that Jesus came to set me free. Hallelujah! I am free!!!! Lord I want to be like you. You humbled yourself and were obedient unto death on the cross. Help me to pick up my cross and walk with you so I may walk in your love and power.
    The lures of the world are powerful but to know Jesus and His love ….. there is no greater joy.
    You have lavished your love on me undeserving as I am.
    You have confirmed your unconditional love for me in so many ways.
    Yet I dare ask for more of You. Do not take the anointing of the Holy Spirit from me. Fill me so I can be your servant and resist the world and those who seek to lead me astray.
    Thanks you Lord.

  2. We shall be like Him.
    What was Jesus like?
    He was devoted to God and to His cause.
    He was devoted to people, especially those who were weak or needy.
    He was annoyed by those who were full of themselves, confident in themselves.
    He was hard on the ‘religious’, and gentle with ‘sinners’.
    He was willing to suffer to help others.
    He was calm, gentle, peaceful, deep, thought-provoking, wise.
    He was God and Kingdom focused, these things mattered more to Him than His comfort, His appearance, His wealth or health or worldly success.
    He was not driven or consumed by stuff.
    He was patient, kind, concerned, forgiving, joyful, self-controlled…

    Do I want to be these things?
    Would the people who know me say any of these things about me?
    I can’t do this on my own, I need help.
    But it won’t happen without determination and effort on my part.
    I need to make every effort to add to my faith… (2 Peter 1:3-11) so that I will posses these qualities in increasing measure.

    Lord, help me to want to be more like Jesus.
    Help me to start today, now!

  3. Children walk in their father’s footsteps. Being part of the family means to do the family rules – lifestyle. To be a part of God’s family we need to obey Him and to do as He commanded. We need to ‘live’ Jesus. Our actions speak louder than our words so that in our daily living for Jesus, others can see not only our words but also our deeds.

    In my daily living I must have SonPower – to be like Him. Revive me Lord. Everyday renew me Lord so that I can be Your child and be more like You. A kid of the kingdom – that’s what I am and as a kid I am learning more each day what to do for Him. Help me along my Way Lord as I continue my journey in Joy for You are the Light on my path.

    Jesus my Redeemer,
    Name above all names,
    Precious Lamb of God, Messiah,
    Oh, for sinners slain.
    Thank you oh my Father,
    For giving us Your Son,
    And leaving Your Spirit,
    ‘Til the work on Earth is done.

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