SCRIPTURE: 1 John 2:1-8
Sin (living and being contrary to God’s good design, intention) is very serious; its like mishandling nuclear waste, very serious consequences. God’s way has always been the way of love (mercy, goodness, patience, grace, generosity, respect, etc.), but what makes this new is that now God has shown it to us in action, in Jesus. We SEE its truth in Him. Those who claim to belong to Him will hate sin, they will loathe its subtle, corrupting influence. They will hate it because it is so contrary to what they appreciate about Jesus. They are determined NOT to sin. But when they fail (and they will), they are assured that they can keep on going, that Jesus has covered for their failure by His death. And so they continue their fight against its corrupting influence.
I need to continually remind myself how horrible and harmful (to God, others and myself) sin is. Not to make myself burdened with shame and guilt, but to cling to Jesus for mercy, and determine daily (again and again) my desire to do what is right, to hate what is evil. In this passage I sense the Lord reminding me again that I need to hate my sinful attitudes and actions more. Specifically: the negative spirit; the unhealthy, unholy desires; the giving in to distractions; my half-hearted (lukewarm) devotion; my excuse-making and blame-shifting. These things pollute my heart (the temple, house of God), and make it an unfitting place for Him to be. This is how I know that I am in Jesus: my determination to be like Him.
Lord, I do want to be like You, but not very passionately. I do not hate sin enough to run away from it, I seem to tolerate the sinful attitudes and desires that You are pointing out to me. Light the fire of my determination to hate sin, and to be like You. Amen.
Jesus is the atoning sacrifice for the sins of the whole world. For me, for everyone. I look at this on a personal level and think about Jesus leaving an amazing place like heaven, surrounded by love and goodness; no pain or rejection, no needs unmet, to live in an oppressed society, poor, working for his family, and I accept what He has done for me and try to live in appreciation and response.
But He died for everyone. for countless others who have no desire, no intention to respond, and He did it anyway.
Lord when I give energy and time and an emotional investment , I expect some kind of return for what I’ve given. Lord teach me what true sacrifice is, what it means to live and give up my life like you have. Amen
“This is how we know we are in Him: Whoever claims to live in Him must walk as Jesus did.”
What does “walking like Jesus” mean to me today? I understand this in the broad, vague sense, but I wonder if it has more specific (and radical) implications for my life? Jesus called me to take up my cross, like Him; where am I sacrificing myself for the sake of others? Jesus tells me to perform the menial tasks of a servant for others (wash the feet of others?; where am I willingly doing the nasty job for others to bless or help them? Jesus modeled forgiveness for His enemies from the cross; am I doing this for the people that are troubling me right now? Jesus dedicated His whole life to God’s purpose; am I?
Do I need to give up my comfort, step out of my comfortable job and community, go to risky, needy places, drop my “in-house, churchy” activities to make room for those who are outside the church?
Somehow I sense that there is more to following Jesus than what I have been taught, and what I have been teaching, and living. Its got to be more radical than this!
But enough with griping about it, what am I going to do about it? What can I do today that can help me be more like Jesus… Unfortunately, I am too busy today, I’ll do it tomorrow…
This paassage reminds me of a child walking behind his father in his steps with the same stride in the snow or on the beach. Difficult, but enjoyable. Jesus is my Father and I need to walk as He did, in His steps. That is the way of showing love and obedience. To know Him is to love Him. To know Him is to live for Him. To know Him is to serve Him. They can tell we are Christians by our love.
Help me Lord each day to walk in Your Way and may others see Christ Jesus in all what I do and say.
We are one in the Spirit, we are one in the Lord.
We are one in the Spirit, we are one in the Lord.
And we pray that all unity may one day be restored.
And they’ll know we are Christians
By our love, by our love,
Yes they’ll know we are Christians by our love.