Mar 1 — 1 John 1:1-4

SCRIPTURE: 1 John 1:1-4

John starts by talking about the tangible, touchable appearance of the Life of God, or the Word (Logos) of Life. He identifies himself and the other disciples as witnesses to It’s appearance. This Life (or Word of Life) was with God. In his account of Jesus’ life, he states even more clearly that this Word of Life was God (John 1:1-5). How do we understand the nature of Jesus BEFORE He appeared? John uses impersonal language, describing an “it”. But elsewhere we find personal language used, as in John 1:2. Part of our problem is that we are trying to define and explain “God”, which is impossible for one of God’s attributes is INCOMPREHENSIBLE. Somehow, within “God”, we find the Father, the Son and the Spirit coexisting, yet one. Somehow the Son of God (the Word, the Life of God) appeared, “God with us”, the fullness of God in a body. John does not explain this, he proclaims it. And everyone who believes it joins the fellowship of God (Father, Son, Spirit) and others who believe.

Have I understood that Jesus, Who appeared in time and space as a human, was also God, or the Life and Word of God? Do I appreciate how big this makes Jesus? And do I appreciate how much of a sacrifice it was then for Him to empty Himself of this “god-ness” to become a human servant, to willingly limit Himself to flesh and blood and suffering and humility (Philippians 2:1-11)? And am I prepared to join the fellowship of those who believe AND follow this Jesus in this same path of flesh and blood and suffering and humility (Philippians 3:10-11). Jesus is not just looking for “believers”, but for followers who will join Him in His mission to seek and to save the lost. Am I prepared to become THIS kind of Christ-follower?

Lord, forgive me for reducing “believing” to saying the right words, and being saved, and going to heaven. Help me to appreciate how huge You are, how huge Your sacrifice was (and is), and how HUGE my calling is to follow You. Amen.

One Comment

  1. John experienced the Word in person. This reminds me of Thomas, who needed to see His Lord before he would believe. The life John had in Christ Jesus he needed to share so that the community of believers could worship and praise God together. Fellowshiping together by proclaiming the Good News as the Great Commission told His followers to do.

    How am I making my joy complete in fellowshipping with one another? Am I a soldier of the cross also proclaiming the Good News so that together we are happy in the Lord?

    Help me Lord on my way to share my faith, telling my faith stories to those who hear and so together we follow Your way. Fellowshipping. One-anothering:-)

    Am I a soldier of the cross,
    A follower of the Lamb,
    And shall I fear to own His cause,
    Or blush to speak His Name?

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