Feb 22 — Colossians 2:6-23

SCRIPTURE: Colossians 2:6-23

Paul contrasts ‘religion’ from relationship with Christ, living in, with, like and for Him. Religion puts the emphasis on being religious, following religious rules and traditions and practices. But these things do not change the heart. The change of heart required comes from humbly surrendering to Jesus, relating to Him as Lord and Saviour, and imitating His way of life (the character, the qualities, the values of Jesus). As we open ourselves to Jesus, we are nourished and we grow in Him. His Spirit changes us from the inside out. In this relationship, Jesus may very well use various disciplines and practices to help us grow (including, fasting, observing special holy days), but they remain aids in the relationship with Him, they never take priority. The focus is always Jesus, He is the substance of this new life.

I often get distracted by the practices themselves. I have to write this reflection, so I race through the reading, write out my thoughts, then consider myself done – check it off the to do list. Meanwhile, what about Jesus? The whole point of this exercise is to put me in a place where I can hear Him, where He can comfort or challenge my heart, where I can make the necessary changes to be more like Him. Has this been time spent with Jesus, or just a religious exercise for its own sake? I need my heart changed. I need to be rooted and built up in Jesus, to remain connected to Him. This is the hope of glory, this is the essence of being in Christ.

Lord, forgive me for replacing You with religious duties. Forgive me for taking my eyes, my heart, away from You. I surrender myself to You again (and again), and ask You to help me live in, with, like and for You. Amen.

One Comment

  1. I am reminded here once again, that being rooted and growing in Jesus is also characterized with the characteristic of thankfulness. Thank You Lord for giving me the morning – – – that I may praise You. Being rooted in Christ Jesus, I follow His ways and not the world’s ways nor the ways rituals. These ways do not define a Christian yet so often by human standards define who’s who. Lord give me the eyes to see You in all I do this day as I continue to live for You and may others see You in Me. I am alive forevermore only in You, You are the only Source of Life and Life eternal. Help me in my living for Jesus.

    Thank you for giving me the morning,
    thank you for every day that’s new,
    thank you for new things in store for me
    and for work to do.

    Thank you for all my friends and brothers,
    thank you for everyone that’s here,
    thank you that even greatest enemies
    I can forgive.

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