SCRIPTURE: Jeremiah 9:17-26
1. Jeremiah, speaking for the Lord, calls for funeral mourners to mourn for the nation, and the city, and the loss of life and peace (17-22).
2. At first glance, is makes us wonder how God can describe Himself as one who exercises kindness, justice and righteousness (24) when He allows violence, death and destruction (22).
3. The REASON that God allows these things to happen is precisely because He is a God Who exercises kindness, justice and righteousness, and He delights in those who practice them. In other words, it is because of their cruel, unjust and unrighteous behaviours that He is punishing them.
4. Circumcision symbolizes the cutting away of sin (Colossians 2:11-12) Jeremiah is teaching here what Paul confirms in the new testament, that spiritual circumcision (a changed heart and lifestyle) is what counts with God (Romans 2:25-29, 1 Corinthians 7:19, Galatians 5:6, 6:15).
5. God wants changed behaviour, not religious rituals or traditions. He wants us to exercise kindness, justice and righteousness on earth. This is something worth boasting about, not wisdom, strength or riches (23).
1. The Lord is looking at my heart, not my practices. Its not my offerings, but whether my heart is in my offerings. It is not my church attendance,, but whether my heart is in it. It is not the songs I sing, but whether my heart means what I sing.
2. God’s priority for Himself and for me (and for everyone) is that we exercise kindness, justice and righteousness on earth, here and now. This is true religion!
3. The consequences of being unkind, unjust, unrighteous are not pretty. God warns us and warns us (individually and as a society), but eventually lets us taste the “wages” of such practices. Am I being unkind in my thoughts, unjust in my attitudes or actions towards others, unrighteous (ie doing what is wrong) in terms of my desires, my morality?
Lord, You are bringing to mind times when I am unkind, unjust and unrighteous. I admit that this is true, and ask You to help me circumcise my heart, to cut away those things that displease You and harm others. Amen.
My heart feels heavy as I read these verses. Should we not also call in the mourning women? Are we not living in such corrupt and morally wrong ways? We live so selfishly, our attitudes and actions so contrary to His ways. In these past two weeks alone I have witnessed fellow christians behaving horribly to sale clerks and fellow customers or drivers. Yes it is a stressful season but as Christ followers, we are called to be His love, His encouraging words or smile to the frazzled clerks and impatient shoppers; to use the time in lines to pray silently for those around us. We can make such a difference in someone’s day just by being positive and friendly. Is the way we are living out our lives really that much different from the days of these scriptures – very much unjust, unkind -even cruel – just different situations and circumstances. No doubt God is speaking these verses into the depths of our hearts today. How often do we respond in our flesh rather than in His Spirit? What are the words that we speak and the actions that we do really ‘boasting’ of? “Oh God, forgive us. Help us to understand and know You as our LORD and Saviour in such away that all we say and do, our lifestlye not only reflects You but boasts that we know You, the LORD of loving kindness, God of mercy and grace. Help us to live in such a way as to bring delight to You. Cleanse our hearts, our minds, our lives from all that is contrary to Your will. Help me LORD to do better, to be Your Light in a darkened world. Remind me LORD of what it means to be a Christ Follower and the responsibility I have to make a difference for Your Kingdom. Father, be glorified.”