Dec 9 — Jeremiah 7:30-8:3

SCRIPTURE: Jeremiah 7:30-8:3

Child sacrifice… Cannot imagine how anyone could do this, to sacrifice their children for their lifestyle (i.e. religious) choices. Hmm, put that way, it seems that many people actually do this. I have heard someone compare abortion (for most, not all) to child sacrifice, putting unborn children to death because they do not fit with our plans, our lifestyle (i.e. religious) choices.

Are there other ways that we cause our children to suffer for our sinful choices? We may not be sacrificing them to an altar, burning them in fire, but do many of our choices, behaviors have the same affect? Neglect, lack of discipline, failure to instill faith and values, allowing them to do things that are destructive, addictive, harmful, modeling selfish behaviors?

I hear God saying here that our sins have HUGE implications for us, for our families, for our communities, and that unless we take them seriously, we will suffer, and so will others!

Lord, open my eyes to the ways that I “sacrifice” my children, or those near and dear to me, for the sake of my own selfish, sinful behaviors or attitudes. Lord, make me an instrument of peace, healing, hope, joy. Amen.

One Comment

  1. The people have gone and did their own thing forgetting their Creator God, The evil was great. And even after they were dead, there was no regard for life. God had no place in their loves. ‘No room in the inn.’ How we live our todays describes how we will live our tomorrows.

    Lord help me this day and every day walk with You.

    O for a closer walk with God,
    a calm and heavenly frame,
    a light to shine upon the road
    that leads me to the Lamb!

    So shall my walk be close with God,
    calm and serene my frame;
    so purer light shall mark the road
    that leads me to the Lamb.

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