SCRIPTURE: Luke 2:41-52
The Passover was a yearly feast commemorating the rescue of Israel as slaves from Egypt (Exodus 12:1-16).
Jesus was raised “under law” (Galatians 4:4-5), that is, the Law of Moses, to observe its laws and traditions, but in time He would introduce the new covenant (Jeremiah 31:31-34, Hebrews 8:6-13), a covenant based on forgiveness through the blood (death) of Jesus (Luke 22:20).
For Jesus to be away from His parents for 3 days at the age of twelve is understandably upsetting for Joseph and Mary.
Jesus is probably not rebuking them, but is gently reminding them that He came for a special purpose, and they should have expected Him to be hanging around the temple.
Jesus had a heart for God, therefore He had a remarkable understanding of God’s ways; He also had a heart for people, including His parents, and was obedient to them. The result was that He “grew in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and men.” (v.52)
Luke repeats again that Mary treasures these events and experiences in her heart (Luke 2:19); this explains why her soul was pierced because of Him too (Luke 2:35).
I am impacted by Jesus’ heart for God and for people, and also by Mary’s response of treasuring Jesus in her heart. Jesus has a heart for me, do I have a heart for Him?
Jesus models the “God” (or what some call the “good”) life, a life in loving submission to God and others. This was why He “was filled with wisdom, and the grace of God was upon Him” (Luke 2:40) and why He grew “in favour with God and men.” (v.52).
Jesus is still growing into His purpose, and this passage indicates that He was a diligent “student” of God’s will and ways, a seeker (questioner, v.46) full of desire for knowledge, wisdom and truth. Do I have a teachable heart, eager to learn, to grow, to be full of wisdom and grace?
Is it possible that like Joseph and Mary, I do not understand Who Jesus is, and also who I am as God’s child?
Lord, I want to understand Your love, Your will, Your purpose, but I am such a slow learner. Help me to have a heart that treasures You, so that I may grow in wisdom and grace too. Amen.