I’m preaching on The Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:1-21) this coming Sunday (March 18, 2007). Its the daily Bible Reading scheduled for March 13. Some of us heard these commands every Sunday growing up, but do we really know what they say, what they mean? Do we still need to hear this law, now that Jesus has fulfilled the law? Even just one thought, one comment, one question. It does help me organize my thoughts for the sermon. Click on Comments to leave your thoughts.
Pastor Norm
At the risk of sounding like a total non believer,I do wonder about the punishment in Exodus 20:5. To me, it sounds a little harsh .
Having thought about this for a few days I have realized that I often fail at the first two commandments. I don’t always love God with my whole heart. I do not make physical idols but I do put other things before God. Recently He showed me that a certain struggle that I have, that has been going on for many years, has become an idol. It was getting in the way of my relationship with Jesus. I was shocked at myself. I confessed and repented… Still I will probably tune out the repetitious reading of the 10 commandments but if I heard someone talking about them as I have just done I would probably pay close attention because it would make them more real.
Regarding the 10 commandments;
I don’t think it is neccessary to say them all every Sunday. When I hear the same thing over and over I tune it out. Instead I think it would be good to elaborate on one commandment or talk about one sin .. like gossip or spending too much or yelling at your kids or not praying….. which would make sin more real. I mostly don’t do any of the Big Ten but I do sin.
Hearing of the Ten Commandment on Sondays is good for me. I need to hear the rules and sermons about those rules for holy living wholly before the Lord. Knowing my sins, realizing I need forgiveness, experiencing God’s mercies each day, I need reminders to keep His laws with sincerity and truth. As the children of Israel needed reminders so I too need reminders to stay on track. I constantly need to hear the rules for righteous living – to hear how great my sins are and how merciful my God is. This will help me focus on the rules for righteous living for Jesus every day and help me in my walk to be more like Jesus.