SCRIPTURE: 1 Peter 3:8-22
Peter urges Christians to live in a Christlike way, even when persecuted.
When challenged or questioned about our faith, we are to respond with honesty, as well as with gentleness and respect.
If we are going to suffer, let it be for doing good, for the integrity of our faith rather than for being rude, selfish, boastful, disrespectful.
Peter describes baptism as the pledge (or response) of a good conscience; this passage is usually quoted against baptizing infants since they cannot pledge or (respond) a good conscience toward God.
One possible interpretation that ties this whole section together: Believers are being persecuted just like Noah, but he persevered and was saved; Jesus’ death and resurrection (symbolized by baptism, like the flood) was the ultimate victory and guarantee that we will ultimately vindicated, just like Noah.
What does Peter mean by “preached to the spirits in prison who disobeyed long ago…”?
I need to remind myself of what Noah and Jesus and other believers have endured, and stand firm in my faith, no matter what happens.
When challenged or questioned, I need to be ready to explain what and why I believe. Could I do this? What would I say?
Do I respond to challenges and mistreatment in a humble, Christ-like and respectful manner? Am I harsh, critical, defensive?
Satan is actively provoking me (us) to respond in a sinful way, then he can shame us for how we responded. We need to see ourselves as under attack, and entrust ourselves to the resurrected Lord Jesus, trusting that as He vindicated and saved Noah, He will ultimately vindicate and save me.
Lord, help me to see that the hardships and challenges I face are Satan’s way of provoking me to sinful responses. Help me to prepare myself in my alone-time with You so that I am armed and ready to handle Satan’s schemes.
This passage reminds me of another -As far as it depends upon me, live at peace with all mankind. I need to be as Christ to all those around me. And I also need to be ready to give an answer to all those who ask about the HOPE I have in my daily living for Jesus. Therefore I need to control my tongue so that there is no deceit coming from my mouth, as James states. I need to be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry. Think before I speak. I tell my students at times to bite their tongue because of the words they speak. I must do the same because sometimes the words are painful as is biting the tongue. I must do good in all circumstances. I must be a do bee meaning -bee self-controlled, bee gentle, bee patient, bee kind, be . . .
As I start each day with You Lord, help me to be an instrument of Your peace. Help me in my living for Jesus.
Make me a blessing, make me a blessing;
Out of my life may Jesus shine.
Make me a blessing, O Saviour I pray,
Make me a blessing to someone today.