Jesus at work in others too!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“We tried to stop him, because he is not one of us.” (Luke 9:49)
Here we see the disciples eager to elevate and differentiate themselves.
In order to be greater than others, we must differentiate from others.
In my previous church there were non-christians supporting our community work.
We were blessing others for Jesus’ sake, and they were helping us.
But if they were “not one of us”, should we have refused their help?
The support of non-Christians has nothing to do with ‘being saved’.
Just as our good works have nothing to do with our ‘being saved’ either.
God is at work in us and in them; we are no better, they are no worse.
We can see the help of others as a sign of God’s grace at work in them too.
We need to stop trying to differentiate and elevate ourselves from others.
Jesus has other sheep, not of our flock (John 10:16).
Some non-Christians seem more Christlike than Christians.
I am convinced that this is God at work, and we need to celebrate it!
They are ‘not far from the kingdom’ (Mark 12:34), let’s not push them away!
Lord, it is your grace alone that produces good in us – and in others. Help us to see signs of good in non-Christians as proof of your grace at work in them too.


  1. Welcoming and not against us. We had a lot of ‘friends’ and neighbours in our overseas experience who were very welcoming and supportive – not against us. I know they were ready to protect us. We felt blessed by them and were welcomed into their homes. These words of Jesus comfort me – because it gives me hope – even if they do not know Jesus as their Lord and Saviour – some believe him to be a Holy Prophet. Yet Jesus says here that they are for me – even if they may be among the least. So I am comforted. I hold out hope for them and I pray that they too may be accepted by the Father – because they were not against us – they welcomed us.

  2. I believe there are many others who assist us with living our lives and letting them help blesses them and us. Because it is more blessed to give than to receive, creating opportunities for others to give so that they might be greatly blessed is part of the deal. Learning to receive is part of the growing edge for me, to be humble enough to receive and to trust. Learning to find my knees…..

  3. Jesus elevated the child to be received and recognized by others to a position contrary to their culture. That was a shocker to their culture. Jesus came to serve and not to be served. That’s greatness. And I must do the same – serve those around me in His name, to be a blessing to others, being a servant true. That is greatness – going against the flow of modern thought.

    Make me a servant
    Humble and meek
    Lord let me lift up
    Those who are weak
    And may the prayer
    Of my heart always be
    Make me a servant
    Make me a servant
    Make me a servant today

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