PLEASE READ THIS FIRST: 2 Chronicles 31-32
What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?
“Hezekiah gave orders to prepare storerooms in the temple of the Lord.” (2 Chronicles 31:11)
From the beginning God promised to bless Israel if they stayed faithful to God.
God promised to bless them and to bless the world through them (Genesis 12:1-3).
Here we see Hezekiah sincerely trying to follow God faithfully by restoring the priesthood.
The temple and priests were symbols of God’s presence among them, and God’s blessing.
The people responded to God (via the priests) with offerings to support the priesthood.
The offerings turned into heaps so that many rooms were needed to store it.
“My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you?” (John 14:2)
Jesus is referring to the temple (God’s house in Jerusalem), and to the many storerooms.
The storerooms were reminders of the heaps of blessing God raised through the people.
Jesus is reminding the disciples that heaps of blessing will come from them too.
The work of Jesus is to “prepare storerooms” for the nations, to make room for them all.
We share the love of Jesus because we anticipate “a great multitude” (Revelation 7:9).
Our job is not to convert people but to offer ourselves in love; God will multiply the heaps!
Lord, I am your restored priest, called to declare God’s blessing of grace, mercy and peace. Multiply my words and actions, like the loaves and fishes, so that the storerooms can be filled to overflowing!
It is counter cultural to be humble and dependent on God. In the world we are encouraged to be “proud of ourselves”, be fiercely independent and that our work should be successful to be valued. It is seen as great weakness to be dependent on others–ie to be the recipient of the tithe. Everyone wants to prosper. And like most we want to own our belongings. Storing gifts in common is almost outside of our knowledge. And yet we are lonelier, have less true esteem as we take increasing credit. And we are less resilient. And sometimes we are destroyed by what/who we bring closest to us. There is enough for all of us and a generosity that comes only when we share. This is what the passage says to me today. I can feel defeated when I cannot seem to even approximate the humility and vulnerability required. Today though I will be grateful for the abundance and give the credit to the Lord.
God blessed Hezekiah because he did what was right – yet with all the blessing and even a special answer to prayer for healing with a special sign – Hezekiah’s pride got to him. Yet when God tested Hezekiah did repent. Oh Lord, I know my pride has gotten in the way in the past and I worry that it may again at times in the future. Help me, as I am blessed, not to let my many blessings get to my head – as if I am somebody other than a humble child of yours who wants to follow you in all that I do! Keep me from selfishness and pride – keep me genuinely devoted to you – humbly walking with you each day!
Where is my heart. Pride before the fall. Serving God or serving self? God created me to serve Him. All what I have is a blessing from the Lord and those blessing I must share in word and deed. As I am blessed by Him I need to share those blessings to those near and far – locally and globally – serving Him in all things. Always.
Make me a servant, Humble and meek,
Lord, let me lift up those who are weak,
And may the prayer of my heart always be:
Make me a servant today.