only One can satisfy

A friend shared this quote with me, something to stop and make us think…

The loneliest moment in life is when you have just experienced that which you thought would deliver the ulimate and it has let you down. We have a whole generation of people around the country today empty, because they are moving from enchantment… to enchantment… to enchantment. And it betrays them; one after another, the loneliness stalks them like a ghost that just won’t go away. Why? Because the older you get the more it takes to fill your heart with wonder, and only One is big enough to fill it. (Ravi Zacharias).

We may think this is a great quote for others who are not Christians, but I wonder how many Christians are actually following the same path, seeking the same enchantments.
So many Christians – myself included – seem to lack the fulfillment and peace that ought to come from knowing and resting in Jesus.
We are as drawn to toys and experiences and distractions as everyone else.
Like the rich young ruler, we want eternal life – sincerely and seriously – but not at THAT price.
We try to have both God and worldly pleasure, and end up losing both.
And at the end of our life, we find ourselves lonely, empty, disappointed.
All that we grabbed for in life is fading, the sparkle of its former enchantment gone.
I can’t speak for you, I can only look within, but there is something hauntingly accurate about this quote… for me.

One Comment

  1. Oh, this is so true for Christians too.
    I remember numerous times when I thought I’ve got it! I finally know what peace is or the way to be or the way to live this Christian life… like when I learned first about the realness of prayer, or the first healing of my brokenness, or some new teaching at a retreat or seminar or in church…
    but it doesn’t last -the new truth lasts of course, but that empty unfilled part is still there…
    “Only One is big enough to fill it” is so true,
    it is not knowledge about God
    it is not the act of praying
    it is not seeing prayer answered
    it is not receiving healing…
    all these are important and good.
    It is God Himself. Hearing Him, being in His presence, knowing you and He are loving the same things/people, being connected to Him, turning to Him first at every turn. It is not what He does it is Who He is and how He treasures me and me loving Him back…. Thank-You God, You are Awesome.

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