What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?
“Make your face shine on us, that we may be saved.” (Psalm 80:19)
This verse is a quote from the priestly blessing:
“The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.” (Numbers 6:25-26)
A shining face is a beaming, smiling face, when you delight in someone.
Think when your parents disciplined you and you felt their displeasure?
Or when you sensed their pleasure, and saw (felt) the glow of their smile?
There are times when we sense God’s sadness or displeasure (rightly so).
I’ve had times when I felt God’s sadness, and I prayed words like these.
God’s smile reached my heart, and I sensed forgiveness, love and blessing.
As a parent I know this kind of love, that glows even when sad, disappointed or angry.
Right now you may be in a place where you are not sensing God’s loving smile.
Try going somewhere alone, outdoors if possible, and just be still with God for a bit.
Look up and slowly breathe this prayer like Asaph, for God’s smile to warm your heart.
“Make your face shine on me, that I may be saved.”
Lord, knowing Your smile is a what we all long for, and were made for. Help us to see that You still love us, even when you need to discipline us.
“Let your hand rest on the man at your right hand,
the son of man you have raised up for yourself.”
I see Jesus – he is my hope – the hope and the way to the Father! Smile on me Lord – may I feel the warmth of your blessing. May I willingly serve in gratitude for the gift of salvation – for purpose to my living. Thank you for your grace to me and the gift of your HS!
In times like these I lift my prayers to the Lord. He is my Light and salvation. He is my Rock and my feet will not be moved. Today God Is First as He is every day and I see His presence around me y the new growth and His SonShine. Lead me and guide me in the way as I prayerfully live this dy in Your presence.
1 Come into God’s presence singing
2 Come into God’s presence singing
“Jesus is Lord,
Jesus is Lord,
Jesus is Lord.”
3 Praise the Lord together singing
“Worthy the Lamb,
worthy the Lamb,
worthy the Lamb.”
4 Praise the Lord together singing
“Glory to God,
glory to God,
glory to God.”