special request from Tim

Pictu<a class=re 1 (1)" title="Picture 1 (1)" width="75" height="100" class="alignright size-thumbnail wp-image-2891" />Hola, there is a young boy living with us who’s name is Luis Batez. He is 14 years old and has been given an amazing opportunity to go to school. The government has offered him a scholarship in which they will pay for half of the cost of his school. The only problem is his family cannot afford the other half. His little brother was in and out of the hospital and his family was already struggling to feed themselves, that is why he moved in with us. To get a job in Mexico that can provide for your family, having an education is crucial. The factories will not hire anybody unless they have the equivalent of a high school diploma. The total cost that is left after the scholarship is 100$ for the whole year plus school supplies. Because I know Luis personally and have seen his desire to learn in school but also his passion to learn more about God and continually read the bible, I would love for us as a community to be able to give him the opportunity to go to school. I hope that you will prayerfully consider what the Lord would have you do with your tithes and donations and consider helping sending him to school.

Pictu<a class=re 2 (1)" title="Picture 2 (1)" width="75" height="100" class="alignleft size-thumbnail wp-image-2892" />There are many more kids like Luis here in our community and any amount donated will be a huge blessing. We as the Tapias family living here in Mexico have already sent one boy to school and he started his first day of school. However we have only paid for his school. He still needs a uniform by the end of the week or he will be sent home. If there is one that you would specifically like to help you can let me know. These are pictures of both boys. I hope that you prayerfully consider helping these kids go to school. Please contact me at tsennema@hotmail.com.

God Bless, Tim

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