Judges 19 today

The Lord is provoking my spirit through this passage [Judges 19] with the horrors of the sex trade.
What happens to the women in the passage has been going on for centuries.
Its no wonder that when someone does a documentary on the child sex trade, they end up calling it, “The Day My God Died”.
The title is actually the words of the sex trade girls themselves, “the day that I was sold was the day that my god died”.
2500 girls a day, 1,000,000 girls a year!
How can He allow this horror to continue?
Its enough to shake your confidence in a good God.

No, I am not losing my faith, though I do struggle with this question.
But I am also struggling with the people – mostly men!!! – who perpetrate these horrors.
The ‘customers’ who ‘consume’ these girls and boys for pleasure!?!?
This passage should disturb us, and so should this documentary.
Sure, we can refuse to think about it, but it won’t go away.
And I believe that the Lord Jesus is calling us to think about it, to hate it, and to join Him in standing up for justice, truth, love, freedom.

Watch this trailer for the PBS documentary “The Day My God Died” (its 4 minutes) below.
You can see the whole 54 minute documentary here.

One Comment

  1. I watched the video trailer and I had to let it sink in before I felt ready to comment. If we truly believe that we are Jesus on earth and we are His hands and heart, then we have no right to question how God can let these things happen. It is really up to us to do something about it. We can’t just believe what the bible says when it is convenient for us, or interpret it in such a way that it lets us off the hook. We are Jesus’ hands and feet and heart, and God has provided us with the tools to do His work. You probably can’t go to a third world country and fix it’s problems, but there are many opportunities within our own communities where we can do God’s work on behalf of Him, and we can pray that there are others in the world who will do the same.

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