Jesus AND the poor!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“The poor you will always have with you, but you will not always have me.” (Matthew 26:11)
What moved this sinful woman to make this huge sacrifice for Jesus?
For the first time ever, someone loved her as a person, not as an object of desire.
Her sacrifice is an act of deep love and gratitude, not just religious duty.
Jesus honours her sacrifice, even though His disciples think it is a waste of money.
Jesus is not saying that we may ignore the poor if we are ‘doing it for Jesus’.
This does not justify building a mega-cathedral in Calcutta (the poorest of cities).
Our expressions of love for Jesus will automatically benefit the poor as well.
His death and resurrection opens the way for a lifetime of loving and blessing the poor.
As we saw in Matthew 25:31-46, to love Jesus IS to love the poor.
Some Christians use this line (poor always with you) to justify limits to our compassion.
But this reveals more of their own hearts than Jesus’s heart.
We love because He first loved us; we grace others because He first graced us.
Jesus knows our heart, whether we are sacrificing out of deep love, or religious duty.
May my devotion to Jesus demonstrate my love for Him AND for the poor!
Lord, this poor woman loved You because of Your amazing compassion for her. May I be moved by the same love, and may it overflow in loving all people.


  1. I remember a conversation with Abdus after he came back from a trip to N. America. He couldn’t get over how much money people spent on dogs and cats. We agreed, all the money could have been better spent on helping the poor. But there is a place for a pet and there is a place for perfume and there is a tremendous need for us to respond to the needs around us. We must not be obsessed with luxuries especially if it prevents us from responding to the needs around us. Jesus did respond to the needs around him. The perfume that was poured was an object lesson – a foretelling of what is to come. We too must be willing to pour out ourselves instead of ‘taking in’ and hoarding for ourselves. There really should not be any Porsches or lamobourginis – what a waste!

  2. All for Jesus.
    This woman gave all of her love for Christ, not sparing the cost. It was an act of love. Those who grumbled are those who think only of themselves and are greedy. My heart needs to be filled with love and gratitude and joy to serve others as You have taught.

    Jesus, all for Jesus
    All I am and have and ever hope to be
    Jesus, all for Jesus
    All I am and have and ever hope to be
    All of my ambitions, hopes and plans
    I surrender these into your hands
    All of my ambitions, hopes and plans
    I surrender these into your hands
    For it’s only in your will that I am free
    For it’s only in your will that I am free
    Jesus, all for Jesus
    All I am and have and ever hope to be

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