dcla day 3

Starting to get tired, these are long days!!!
Back at 11:45, then sharing highs and lows.
We arrived at the center for 10am, where we broke up into Labs, our assigned small groups for the weekend.
They are led by student leaders, which is neat, though a number of our youth found their groups too quiet, not much personal sharing.
We ate lunch on the lawn of the Museum of American History (they took our picture for their newsletter, we’re now a part of American history!)
There were two blocks of afternoon seminars we could choose from.
Many of us went to see a preview of a powerful move that will come out here in the states, with a strong christian message, called To Save A Life.
It was a high for a number of the youth, someone said (I won’t say who) that it was the first time they ever cried in a movie.
We have an opportunity through the day to try out the inflated activities… lets just say that they are not easy.
The only thing I still have to do is the bungee jumping.
Supper was at McDonalds (lines were too long, our best option, Saturday nights are CRAZY in Washington) – this was a low for some of us!
The evening big event is the same as the night before, going through the bible.
The worship is led by Starfield, a Canadian worship team well known and appreciated here.
They broke out into O Canada when some from our gang went to talk to them.
We are finally through the old testament, and looking forward to Jesus’ coming!
The Skit Guys are another big hit, very funny (ask us later about Adam and Eve) and/or very powerful.
Late night (from 10-11) is an opportunity to have a concert, see a skit, or leave, or go to a QA session with one of the speakers (that’s where I go, to give my eardrums a break).
Then back to the residence (crazy driving).
And sharing highs and lows… and to bed.
Got to get some sleep…

One Comment

  1. Pastor Norm
    You must be so exhusted! Hope Ralph and Sue are keeping up too. Thank you so much for your daily postings. It is truley the highlight of my day. Scott and I are in Gravenhurst for two days but I have brought a lap top with me so we can keep checking in. Looks like you are all having fun. God Bless! Scott and Ally

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