dcla day 2

The first day was great!
We started with continental breakfast.
A slow start to the day, a unexpected scenic tour of Washington.
We got there late for the 10:30 opening, only to discover that we were four hours early (they changed the time of registration).
So, we went on a walking tour to the White House.
We ate lunch there, and watched the protesters – for peace, banning bombs, baking bread, universal health care, Tamil refugees, and one man opposed to Tamil protesters.
We rang the doorbell, but Barack could not come out.
We went to the museum of natural history, part of the Smithsonian.
All museums are free here!
Then to registration.
They have a huge activity room with inflated slides and bungee jumping and ping pong and four square and basketball, as well as some displays and stuff to buy.
We first went for dinner, then the big session began.
They are going through the bible from Genesis to Revelation – really well done, short sections, a variety of mediums – speakers, bands, skits, media presentations.
Final concert was Family Force 5 – very loud and wild (moshing and body surfing).
(Instead, I went to a QA with Shane Claiborne (very quiet and inspiring).
Back at the residence at 11:45, a time of sharing the highs of the day, and then to sleep.


  1. thanks, that would be great to understand how they handled that – was it the same painter or different people – aye! that is such a challenge for me to understand how to use art in worship.

  2. No he was not painting, someone else is painting through the whole week. They are going through the bible like a drama, and he is painting a representation of each scene. I’ll try and get some of the paintings.

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