Looking up through the tears!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“The girl is not dead but asleep.” But they laughed at him.” (Matthew 9:24)
The synagogue leader and the woman believed Jesus to reach out to Him for help.
The crowds were so focused on death, they could not see the hope of life.
They laughed at the prospect of hope, they laughed at Jesus.
I get this… sickness and death are all to real and seem so final.
I’ve prayed for people to get well, I’ve prayed for dead people to revive… nothing.
All the evidence points to despair, not hope, to death having the last laugh.
But for some reason, I refuse to give up, I refuse to let go.
Like the leader and the woman, I still reach for Jesus, hope keeps me hanging on.
People may laugh at us for choosing hope (laughing at our ‘delusion’).
But I will keep looking up to hope rather than despair, to life rather than death.
This doesn’t mean I won’t weep; but it does mean I won’t laugh at hope.
Hope will one day turn to joy, which will lead to the laughter of joy.
The leader and the woman did not let the tears drown out hope… will you?
“Weeping may stay for the night, but rejoicing comes in the morning.” (Psalms 30:5)
Lord, though sickness and death still seem so ultimate, I will keep praying, waiting and hoping. May those in the grip of sorrow look up and see Your smiling face, and find hope.


  1. Two examples of tremendous faith – a Synagogue leader who believed Jesus could raise his daughter from the dead and a women that believed if she could only touch Jesus cloak that she would be healed! How much did they know Jesus – what was their faith based on. Was their faith like that of a tiny child, unquestioningly trusting a parent? It seems so. Jesus was the new wine in new wine-skins: believe and you will be saved. I challenge myself – do I let go enough to fully trust in Jesus? I know that he is the only hope for life today and forever!

  2. This passage includes two stories of healing. What strikes me is the compassion Jesus shows in both instances. He pauses, on His way to the ruler’s house to see the sick young girl, and takes time to assure the woman who touched Him that He noticed her and because of her faith, she is well. Then, at the ruler’s home, Jesus brings back to life the young girl. In both cases, faith was evident and in both cases, Jesus heals. What an incredible love and compassion! Lord Jesus, help me to look to You first in my weaknesses. Help me to deepen my faith in You.

  3. Hope.
    The upward look or the downward look?
    During this time of the year many children, adults, people in general, live in hope.
    Hope is expectation. The physical. The spiritual.
    Take it all to the Lord in prayer. He answers, but not necessarily the answer we desire to hear. I am reminded of these words – at times Jesus takes the disease out of our lives and other times He takes us out of our disease.
    In Christ we see that He freely gives and I must do the same. He lovingly gave of Himself and I must do the same sharing His healing love with others.

    Love, love, love, love
    The gospel in a word is love
    Love thy neighbor as thy brother
    Love, love, love

    Peace, peace, peace, peace
    The gospel in a word is peace
    Peace that passes understanding
    Peace, peace, peace

    Joy, joy, joy, joy
    The gospel in a word is peace
    Joy that fills to ever-flowing
    Joy, joy, joy

    Christ, Christ, Christ, Christ
    The gospel in a word is Christ
    Love Him, serve Him, and adore Him
    Christ, Christ, Christ

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