big steps

And as soon as the priests who carry the ark of the LORD–the Lord of all the earth–set foot in the Jordan, its waters flowing downstream will be cut off and stand up in a heap. [Joshua 3:13] Notice that the priests have to approach the river – which is at flood stage – and step into the river before the water stops. In other words, right up until the very last minute, the priests have no idea whether the river will stop or not. Right up until the last minute, they are looking stupid, and have to trust that God will show up. God is impressing on the people (again) that their success depends on Him 100%, and that they need to trust Him every step of the way.

‘Lord, if it’s you,’ Peter replied, ‘tell me to come to you on the water.’ ‘Come,’ he said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. [Matthew 14:28-29] Stepping out of the boat and onto the water was a similar – even more faith-stretching – experience. Right up until his weight rested on the water, Peter had to trust that the water would hold him. Imagine being at the lake, in a rowboat, and trying to step out of the boat onto the water. How exactly do you step out?

The challenge for me is to face my fears of doing something for God – talking with someone about God, offering to pray or to help – and knowing that right up until the last minute, I have to go by faith and trust that God will do what only He can do. Do we hesitate to pray with someone for healing because we’re afraid God might not heal? But then if we don’t pray (step in the water), will we not see the miracle?

Two things are required: One, that we join with the Lord in His mission, and two, that we take steps in that direction, do things by faith and trust that He will work through them. And not just little things, bold things, faith-stretching, comfort-zone smashing things. Expect little, see little; expect much, see much! Or as William Carey said – Expect great things from God, attempt great things for God! Be like Peter and ask for something huge!

Lord, my prayers and efforts are too small. Give me a holy boldness for You, help me to take big steps of faith for You.


  1. Joshua 3 – Under Joshua’s leadership the Israelites are preparing to cross the Jordan River. The ark of the covenant is to go before them. Because of the time of year the Jordan is at flood stage. However the Lord has revealed to Joshua that He will part the Jordan as soon as the priests put their feet into the river. The Israelites will then pass on dry land to the other side. Oh what trust!

    Vs 3&4 speaks of leaving their positions and following the “ark of the Lord your God” and then they will know which way to go. These verses remind me that I too must leave my position and follow God so that I will know which way to go to seek God’s will for my life. In vs 7&10 the Lord reminds me that I must remember that I represent Jesus to others.

    Lord God thank you that through your Word and Holy Spirit you constantly remind me to trust you, to follow you and let my light shine for Jesus! Amen

  2. The Lord is in charge. He is leading especially since they had never been this way before. Who is in charge of my life? I have never been this way before. In whom do I put my trust. Lead me, guide me along the way each day Lord because then I will not stray!

    The Lord did amazing things for Israel. As soon as the priests’ feet touched the waters, they parted and the path was dry. What amazing faith! What an awesome God! What great things He did for His people to show His presence, His love, His faithfulness, His care, His presence, His leading.

    As I journey each day I need to experience His presence and leading. Increase my faith Lord That I see You always in the Way that I should go. I am never alone but You are there to guide me. Give me the eyes to see You always. Increase my vision to see You in my daily mission to serve You. Help me always to put my hand in Yours and to trust and obey.

    Grace and truth shall mark the way
    Where the Lord His own will lead,
    If His Word they still obey
    And His testimonies heed.

    For Thy Name’s sake hear Thou me,
    For Thy mercy, Lord, I wait;
    Pardon my iniquity,
    For my sin is very great.

    He who walks in godly fear
    In the path of truth shall go;
    Peace shall be his portion here,
    And his sons all good shall know.

    They that fear and love the Lord
    Shall His holy friendship know;
    He will grace to them accord,
    And His faithful covenant show.

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