Jesus and His odd, flawed family!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“In this way Jacob grew exceedingly prosperous… (Genesis 30:30?)
This scene is comical – vaudeville – and yet it is sad too.
Rachel and Leah scrambling to have babies, bartering bed time and mandrakes.
Imagine this in fast-forward, and poor Jacob bouncing between these women.
And the kids being named in ways that add insult to injury to the other woman.
And then there is Jacob and his superstitious sticks, and Laban tricking him back.
Our silly, foolish ways, trying to get ahead in this sad, mixed up world.
God must have a sense of humour to work with us… but God is also patient and kind.
He multiplies Jacob’s family and wealth to fulfill His mission to bless all people.
He works out His plan of kingdom restoration through His flawed, odd people.
Believe it or not, Jesus asks me and you to help Him with His mission.
He accepts our gifts and best efforts, and our weaknesses, excuses and follies.
These chapters remind me to see the humour and sadness of my own life.
I’ve tried to do some good things, but I’ve also done some pretty stupid things.
Let these odd stories from the bible both humble and give us hope: Jesus uses us too!
Lord, thank You for Your patience and Your sense of humour, as well as Your willingness to work through me. Help me not to take myself too seriously, but to take You very seriously!


  1. I’d like to say I’m not like Jacob, but really how much of my ‘success’ in life is of my own doing? Often it is in spite of myself that God works things for good! I stumble – lack trust – think I have to do it on my own – yet God by his immense grace still watches over me and through crooked and roundabout (manipulative) ways leads me to him and his ways! Thanks be to God for being true to His promise to stick with humankind and save us through Jesus! Thanks for the Grace of God!

  2. Who is in charge?
    So often we do it our way thinking we are in control – like the way of increasing the flock. It was God’s way.
    Open my eyes Lord that I may see You in the daily affairs of my life. You are in control. Always.

    Have Thine own way, Lord,
    Have Thine own way;
    Thou art the Potter,
    I am the clay.
    Mould me and make me
    After Thy will,
    While I am waiting,
    Yielded and still.
    Have Thine own way, Lord,
    Have Thine own way;
    Search me and try me,
    Master, today.
    Whiter than snow, Lord,
    Wash me just now,
    As in Thy presence
    Humbly I bow.
    Have Thine own way, Lord,
    Have Thine own way;
    Wounded and weary,
    Help me, I pray.
    Power, all power,
    Surely is Thine,
    Touch me and heal me,
    Savior divine.
    Have Thine own way, Lord,
    Have Thine own way;
    Hold o’er my being
    Absolute sway.
    Fill with Thy Spirit
    Till all shall see
    Christ only, always,
    Living in me.

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