We see Jesus!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“You made them rulers… you put everything under their feet.” (Psalm 8:6)
The kingdom of God is not just that God rules the world… He certainly does.
It is how God made us rulers of the world, His God-like children ruling for Him.
Unfortunately things did not turn out so well, but that is the risk He took.
And when we failed, He steps in through Jesus, to make things right again.
“At present we do not see everything subject to them. But we do see Jesus, who was made lower than the angels for a little while, now crowned with glory and honor…” (Hebrews 2:8-9)
Though for the present this world still experiences sinful rebellion, we see Jesus!
Jesus defeated the devil, refused sin, endured death and overcame it… for everyone!
He has reclaimed the rightful title of Ruler of all creation (Matthew 28:18-20).
As a God-like human, everything is once again under His feet, under His authority.
As Jesus followers we see this world through the lens of Jesus, sitting on the throne.
Above the gory of this world we see the glory of Jesus, and therefore we have hope!
Like when Steven was being stoned, no matter how bad things look, we look up exclaim…
“I see heaven open and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God.” (Acts 7:56)
Lord, if I did not see You crowned with glory and honour, what hope for our world would there be? Thank You for the hope that beyond this cross of misery there is the crown of glory!


  1. It is hard to fathom that the awesome all powerful sovereign God and Father of creation – would take delight in me – that Jesus would be willing to take upon himself my sin – and entrust me with His creation. Is it true, I tell myself – its too good to be true – since I don’t deserve it – but here He is – God is mindful of me! How awesome is the grace of our God! I live now because I know he lives!

  2. Flying home from Texas yesterday I was reminded of God’s creation – the red sky light, the bumpy billowy clouds and His beautiful landscape below. Once again I was reminded of the greatness of God and littleness of myself as expressed in this psalm. And yet it pleased God to make you and I instruments of His peace to do His work in this His creation. What a relationship we have with our Creator God to be His co-workers. May I be able to see His majesty from day to day as I continue to live for Jesus doing His will.

    Worship His majesty
    Unto Jesus
    Be all glory, honor and praise

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