His light through me!

What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“You are the light of the world.” (Matthew 5:14)
This is BOTH something I am, and something I ought to be.
It is a great honor to be God’s ambassador, to reflect His light in the world.
It is also a great responsibility, with important consequences.
Look at Adam and Eve, how important they were in God’s creation order.
And see the result of their choosing darkness, the misery that followed.
I have a significant place in my part of the world.
I am God’s child, God’s blessed one, God’s ambassador, God’s representative.
Every day I have the opportunity to flavor this world for good (like salt).
Every day I have the opportunity to brighten this world for God (like light).
This is not something we do by ourselves; and we don’t have to!
Like the moon, we do not produce light, we reflect it, when we face the Son.
He IS the light of the world; the more we face Him, the more we reflect Him.
This is God’s evangelism plan, to reflect His love into peoples’ lives through us.
By showing the ‘good news’, we share the ‘good news’, and people are drawn to God.
Lord, I cannot produce Your light. And the good news I don’t have to. Draw me close to You, so that You can shine through me to others.


  1. The Lord shared with Abram what he was going to do regarding Sodom and Gomorrah and promised that if there were only 10 righteous – 10 people who would be like salt, like a torch in the darkness – he would spare them. In many countries believers are an important minority – each bearing light, each being salt. Being a Jesus follower in a land where he is not accepted is a special role. But how about in Cambridge – in the various ‘spheres of influence’ or even of limited intervention – how can I bring ‘light’ and ‘seasoning’ or flavouring to the situation. These are things that this passage challenges me!

  2. When I received Jesus as my Lord and Saviour He gave me the right to be called child of God. And the Father sent the Holy Spirit to have a temple in my body. Jesus said He never leaves nor forsakes me. The Triune God takes residence in me. Jesus the light of the world lives in me and I for Him with Him and through Him. I cannot hide this light I have to let it shine before men. Guide me and direct me with your wisdom O Holy Spirit that I may not lose heart and be not weary of doing the good work– for bad things happen when good people do nothing.
    I pray for the new government of Canada that the elected officials will be fiscally responsible and accountable and that true democracy will rule in Canada.

  3. LightShine.
    I am reminded of the childhood song, ‘This little light of mine. . . . ‘
    I have to live in His SonShine to show whose I am. Others need to see Christ Jesus living in me. So as I am a ‘people keeper’ putting others before myself, living by the JOY principle, I pray that those around me can see His Light in me.
    Making a difference in my corner of the world.
    Walking daily in His SonShine.

    1 This little light of mine,
    I’m gonna let it shine.
    This little light of mine,
    I’m gonna let it shine.
    This little light of mine,
    I’m gonna let it shine,
    let it shine, let it shine, oh let it shine.

    2 Ev’rywhere I go,
    I’m gonna let it shine.
    Ev’rywhere I go,
    I’m gonna let it shine.
    Ev’rywhere I go,
    I’m gonna let it shine,
    let it shine, let it shine, oh let it shine.

    3 Jesus gave it to me,
    I’m gonna let it shine.
    Jesus gave it to me,
    I’m gonna let it shine.
    Jesus gave it to me,
    I’m gonna let it shine,
    let it shine, let it shine, oh let it shine.

  4. My prayer is what verse 16 says: Lord Jesus, help me to let my light shine in such a way that others will see my good works (motivated by my love for you) and glorify the Father who is in heaven.

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