
SCRIPTURE: Psalm 13/Psalm 14
How long must I wrestle with my thoughts and every day have sorrow in my heart? How long will my enemy triumph over me? … But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation. I will sing to the LORD, for he has been good to me. [Psalm 13:2,5-6] David has a troubled heart. God seems silent, distant, uncaring. The wicked are prospering, succeeding, acting as if there is no God. God inspires David to record how he feels! But though he is overwhelmed, he is not defeated. But… I trust… I will sing… When (not if) the Lord restores the fortunes of His people…

‘Now my heart is troubled, and what shall I say? Father, save me from this hour? No, it was for this very reason I came to this hour. Father, glorify your name!’ Then a voice came from heaven, ‘I have glorified it, and will glorify it again.’ [John 12:27-28] Jesus’ heart is troubled. His enemies are triumphing against Him. He is about to suffer horribly and die. His few friends will desert Him. But… Like David, Jesus sees beyond Himself and His circumstances to see and surrender to the sovereign plan of God. Instead of sunning away, He runs to. He submits His difficult circumstances to God and awaits His help.

More than just awaiting God’s help, Jesus actually is God’s help. He offers Himself as the means of helping those who like David feel oppressed, abandoned, defeated. Through Jesus, God will restore the fortunes of His people. He has glorified His Name, He will glorify His Name; He has been good to His people, He will be good to His people. Jesus came to overcome the power of sin, death and hell, to reverse the tide of evil and restore the fortunes of God’s people. Like David, He trusts that God is on the throne.

There is nothing inappropriate about being honest with God as to how we feel – abandoned, empty, overwhelmed, frustrated – we can share it all. But the important word in all this is BUT. We can start with the difficult circumstances, but faith stands at the end of the sentence. But God is God, God is good, His Name is and will be glorified, His kingdom will come.

Too often we say something like, ‘sure God is on the throne, BUT my life is hard’. Where does that sentence end? Not on the hope of faith but on the despair of difficulty. With David, with Jesus, we need to admit the troubled heart, but then surrender to the sovereign Lord. Yes, my heart is troubled, but glorify Your Name!

Lord, my heart is troubled. Glorify Your Name through me and my circumstances.


  1. Good morning Lord. Thank You for a]the new day. Thank You that I can start the day with You and talk to You. Thank You that as the Psamlist says, You are the Light for my eyes. May I always share my thoughts, talks with You always. Be my Companion and Guide. You are always with Your people if they have eyes that see. Help me to see You this day in all I do and say. May the joy of the Lord be my strength this day and every day.

    You are my strength when I am weak,
    You are the treasure that I seek,
    You are my all in all.
    Seeking You as a precious jewel,
    Lord to give up I’d be a fool,
    You are my all in all.

    Jesus, Lamb of God – worthy is Your name.
    Jesus, Lamb of God – worthy is Your name.

    Taking my sin, my cross, my shame,
    Rising again, I bless Your name,
    You are my all in all.
    When I fall down, You pick me up,
    When I am dry You fill my cup,
    You are my all in all.

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