Wisdom starts with God!

“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.” (Proverbs 1:7)
My assumption is that fear here means healthy respect, not cowering fear.
Like the healthy respect that is due fire, or nuclear energy.
To be aware that God is real, that God is greater than all of us and everything.
As a Jesus follower, I seen in Jesus that deep, tender fear and submission to God.
Wisdom is more than knowledge or understanding, but wise living based on these.
It involves discerning our ways, reflecting on consequences, and choosing wisely.
Too often we do what feels good in the moment, or what we like for ourselves.
We fail to recognize God’s place in everything, how He holds it all together.
And how going against God’s way is going against nature, and our own best interest.
If the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom, then many of us our living as fools.
We do not give God the first place, nor do we consider God when we make our choices.
Would I speak those words, or engage in that activity, if God were in my heart and mind?
God’s Voice is constantly calling us to pause, to think things through, to be wise.
How will I make decisions today, will I take time to listen for the Voice of wisdom?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, sometimes I sense the wise thing to do, and the thing I want to do. And yet I do what I want to do, assuming it will be OK. Please reveal Yourself to my thoughts and feelings when facing a choice, that I may choose wisely with You!

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