An aura of grace!

THE STORY OF JESUS: Acts 27:13-26
“God has graciously given you the lives of all who sail with you.” (Acts 27:24)
I picked this verse because I want to explore how God’s blessing spreads.
God’s plans for Paul meant that those who were with him were safe as well.
God’s grace in one person’s life has an overflow impact on those around them.
One persons story adds a chapter to other peoples’ stories.
As a Jesus follower, God’s grace is at work in me, and through me.
In me, God is changing me to be more like Jesus – and that affects others.
Others benefit when I am more patient, generous, kind, merciful, self-controlled.
This works for positive experiences (like this story), but even in negative stories.
God’s grace showing through Jesus on the cross impacted the soldier watching it all.
Imagine a ‘grace aura’ surrounding you as you go through each day.
That ‘aura’, or the presence of the Spirit, is graciously touching others too.
You may not know about it, but because of God at work in you, others will be saved.
You may be just one small part of their story, but you are a part of it.
‘So keep up your courage, have faith in God that grace will happen!’ (Acts 27:25)
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, this is a nice thought, to think that You are graciously impacting the many people I come in contact with every day. This encourages me to embrace grace even more!

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