Life-changing encounters with Jesus!

THE STORY OF JESUS: Acts 26:9-15
“‘Who are you, Lord?’ “ ‘I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting,’ the Lord replied.” (Acts 26:15)
Just because we cannot see Jesus, doesn’t mean He isn’t there.
Paul is doing everything to stop Jesus followers, but he’s really fighting Jesus.
Jesus is leading His kingdom mission from heaven, through His followers.
But this does not mean He is on the sidelines, just watching.
Paul had a dramatic, life-changing encounter with the invisible Lord Jesus.
Jesus chose to intervene at this time, in this way, for His purpose.
He is still doing this today, working in the lives of His followers and enemies.
No person goes through life without experiencing the presence or power of Jesus.
Sometimes dramatic, often subtle but still real, the Spirit of Jesus presses.
As Jesus followers we should not pray against our enemies, but for them.
To pray for their conversion, to pray for their eyes to be opened.
To pray for them to be mercifully saved and transformed, like Paul was.
We should be seeking this kind of transformation – for ourselves and others.
It’s what we all need, and what Jesus is working from heaven to accomplish.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, we all need this kind of encounter. Please make Your self even more real to me, but also to those I know who resist or refuse to believe and follow You. Have mercy on us all!

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