Followers of the Jesus way!

THE STORY OF JESUS: Acts 24:1-16
“I admit that I worship the God of our ancestors as a follower of the Way.” (Acts 24:14)
Paul is saying that he is Jewish, and yet with a difference.
A follower of the Way – or Jesus follower since Jesus is the Way.
This emphasis on the Jesus Way is important.
Many people believe in God… in the Moses way, or Mohammed way, or Buddha way.
As Jesus followers, we believe in God in the Jesus Way, like Jesus.
His view of God, and His way of life, are what determine our faith and life.
The Jesus Way is modeled by Jesus through radical humility, grace and love.
If we read Matthew 5-7, or Romans 12, or 1 Corinthians 13, you can see it.
We believe that Jesus shows us the way to overcome evil… with radical grace.
As Jesus followers, we trust that Jesus has overcome Satan, sin and death.
We are saved and called to join Jesus in overcoming Satan, sin and death.
To show people Who God is, and what God is like, and what true life is about.
It is not enough just to claim to follow the Way, I need to strive to live it.
Am I actively following the Jesus Way, and I committed to loving and living like Jesus?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, You saved me from Satan, sin and death and set me free by Your Spirit to love like You. Help me be more than a believer in the Way, help me to be a follower of the Way!

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