which ‘god’ do I cling to?

SCRIPTURE: Deuteronomy 6
“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” [Matthew 6:33] Where do you look for happiness, satisfaction, peace? To what do you put your hope for a good life? What ‘things’ do you think will give you your heart’s desire. This ‘thing’, or these ‘things’, is our god. Whatever we look to for happiness is the thing we worship, the thing we consider worthy of our attention and desire.

The idea behind polytheism (having many gods) is that those gods (things) control our access to happiness, peace, security, etc. When the Lord challenges His people to worship only Him (since He alone is God), He is making the point that He is the only source of happiness. If we want it to go well with us in the land (life) that the Lord our God gives us, then we need to look to Him alone, trust His way only, rely on Him.

To love God with our heart, soul and strength is to make Him our ultimate concern, our ultimate desire, our ultimate source, our ultimate guide. At home or on the road, coming or going, wherever we are, whatever we are doing, He is the key to the good life. The refrain of Deuteronomy 6 is that loving, honouring and obeying God is the way to experiencing life to the full in the new land. Jesus makes this same claim in Matthew 6, saying that the key to happiness is not in “all these things” but in putting God, His kingdom, His righteous will, first. Then “all these things” will be given to us as well.

This is an important message for us, but also for our children. In these times of relative health and wealth, we are forgetting the source of these ‘blessings’. We are enjoying the milk and honey but forgetting the God that gives them. We and our children are becoming more attached to “all these things”, running after what we eat, what we drink, what we wear, just like everyone else – as if they will make us happy.

In many ways, we are practical polytheists; we worship many gods. But Jesus makes it plain that in fact when you serve both God and money, you actually are only serving one – you cannot serve both. If we love things, then we do not love God. Whatever our hearts cling to, that is our treasure, our ultimate concern, our god.

Where do you look for happiness, satisfaction, peace? To what do you put your hope for a good life?

Lord, with You, all things are truly mine. Without You, nothing matters.

One Comment

  1. How then shall I live? Listen. Do this. Obey the Word of the Lord and you will have life. In all that you do, keep His Word. Do what is right and good and true. All of your life, serve the living God – from your rising up in the morning til the going down at night. If I want LIFE I need to obey His Word. Help me this day to put my trust in You forYou are my ALL in all.

    You are my strength when I am weak
    You are the treasure that I seek
    You are my all in all
    Seeking you as a precious jewel
    Lord to give up, I’d be a fool
    You are my all in all

    Jesus Lamb of God, worthy is Your name
    Jesus Lamb of God, worthy is Your name

    Taking my sin my cross, my shame
    Rising again, I bless Your name
    You are my all in all
    When I fall down, You pick me up
    When I am dry, You fill my cup
    You are my all in all

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