A Eutychus moment!

THE STORY OF JESUS: Acts 20:7-12
“On the first day of the week we came together to break bread.” (Acts 20:7)
The first Jesus followers made it their regular practice to meet on Sundays.
It was an obvious day to meet, since it was Jesus’s resurrection day.
This was not a matter of the law, but a matter of faith, hope and love.
When they met, they enjoyed spiritual communion – eating and fellowshipping.
This was not a matter of church ordinance, but a matter of faith, hope and love.
As Jesus followers we still meet for our faith, hope and love.
It is not about duty, tradition or ritual… or at least it ought to be.
Whenever believers meet, Jesus is present with them in power (Matthew 18:20).
And things happen: people are encouraged, healed, restored, challenged.
Why do you participate in your church gatherings?
Do you expect Jesus things to happen, or are your sleeping through it?
Is your church experience refreshing you, or lulling you to sleep?
The Spirit is present, and things are happening whether we see them or not.
Let’s pray for a Eutychus moment the next time we meet!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, too often we meet out of duty or ritual, rather than faith, hope and love. Make Your presence felt the next time we meet, that we may have a Eutychus moment too!

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