Seeing and seeking the Jesus dream!

“Faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” (Hebrews 11:1)
As a Jesus follower, I see in Him a vision of our ideal future.
How He related to God, to people, and to world… this is how we were meant to be.
This is how God is making us to be again, through Jesus, by the Spirit.
I am confident, and eager, for the reality of the kingdom, as seen in Jesus.
I cannot get there myself, I do not know the way, and I can’t make it happen.
But I am confident in Jesus, that He is the way, the truth and the life.
He is the way, He knows the way, He shows the way, He makes the way for us.
These OT believers did not fully know where it was all leading.
But they trusted God that it would be better than their world currently was.
As Jesus followers, we believe the same; even when this world is so messed up.
We cling to the vision of a world of love, joy, peace, blessing for all!
We join with Jesus by faith in living this way now, in anticipation.
I show my faith in God’s better world by striving with His help to live that way now.
Am I confident and assured that the Jesus vision is real… am I living for it?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I long for life as You lived it, and for a world that reflects this kind of love. Strengthen my faith in this vision, and my eagerness to live that way today!

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