To use my freedom well!

THE STORY OF JESUS: Hebrews 9-10
“Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness.” (Hebrews 9:22)
As a Jesus follower, I need to take very seriously.
Every selfish thought, word and deed contributes to the misery of our world.
The wage of sin is death; death was the curse for turning away from God.
The phrase “shedding of blood” is another way of saying death or dying.
Sin leads to death, the death penalty is hanging over all our heads.
We cannot be released (forgiven, set free) from this unless we die.
As a Jesus follower, I believe God became human to rescue me from the curse of sin.
By His “shedding of blood”, the death penalty has been fulfilled.
I have been crucified with Christ by trusting in Him (Galatians 2:20).
My sin is punished, I am forgiven and set free; I am God’s child!
This is my confidence, and why I stand near to God with hope and love.
Free from the need to earn God’s mercy, I can now share God’s mercy.
Saved from the guilt and grip selfishness, I am free to love and bless.
Set free for “love and good deeds” (10:24), the new me I was saved to be!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, You have set me free from the penalty and power of sin. May I use my freedom well, to share with others the same love and mercy that You have shown to me.

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